Chapter 5-A game of dodgeball

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Do I know you?


Theo smirks in response to my question. He leans on the rigid blue lockers spread across the hallway.

I give him a hostile glare, my lips sporting an unflattering frown which seems to be happening a lot more lately.

"I believe this photo would suggest otherwise."

My heart stills and my hands become clammy. Sweat beads on my forehead. He couldn't possibly have a picture from this morning.

I reach out to grab his hand before he shows the picture to everyone, but I am too late. He waves his phone right in front of my face. However, the content of the photo is not what I expect.

Both of our families are seen smiling wildly while I and Theo seem to be distracted. It is a photo from when our families had dinner together.

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Karissa!" My name is yelled through the student filled hallways.

I turn around to see Theo's twin sister Brielle making her way towards me. She is wearing a huge lilac coloured cardigan matched with a pair of faded baggy blue jeans.

She clutches her purple tote bag tightly as she makes her way through the bustling crowd of high-school kids.

She gives me air kisses and a nice warm hug.

She notices Theo shuffling nervously in the corner like he has done something wrong.

"Why the heck did you leave without me" she screams as she turns towards Theo.

"You were taking so long and besides, you have your car."

She huffs and grabs my hand, "Karissa let's go."

We both make our way towards our first class with Lailah and Tyler trodding behind us.

Suddenly noticing their presence Brielle turns towards them and says, "Oh, I am so sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Brielle, the sister of that dimwit over there."

Dimples just like Theo's appears on her face as she expresses a wide smile in their direction.

Introductions and new friends are made before we head towards the seat at the very back of the class.

Our first lesson is English and it is such a bore. The teacher drags on and on the influence of power in Macbeth.

After English the group goes separate ways, Tyler and I have physical education and I am not looking forward to it.


"Today we are playing dodgeball," the P. E teacher starts as he rubs his round pot belly.

A few groans are heard from the students including me.

"It would test your speed and agility."

"Bull shit," I quietly whisper underneath my breath.

We are split into teams of two and I and Tyler end up on the same team but I am on the opposing side of none other than Theo.

Students panting breathes and squeaky sneakers hitting the floor can be heard. All eyes are focused on the red balls placed in front of us. The whistle is blown.

The teenagers race and shove one another, all are intent on getting the ball.

A ball whizzed past me barely missing my head. I quickly dodge the ball, unwilling to be the first one out of the game.

It is finally down to three people, Tyler, Theo and I. Theo's hand grips the rigid ball, his focused eyes darting towards Tyler. The ball is thrown but before it makes an impact on Tyler's face I am pulled in front of Tyler by Tyler himself. This causes the rigid ball to slam into my face.

I suddenly feel a red substance drip onto my white sleeve. Blood. It gushes out my nose. I quickly lean my head backwards to prevent more from pouring out.

Theo makes his way towards me in a hurry.

"Are you alright" he gently asks.

I silently nod my head.

He quickly tells the teacher we are going to the nurse's office before we begin to head out.

I quickly turn to Tyler and flip him off with my beautiful, long and slender middle finger as he yells, "sorry Kas".

The nurse's office is quiet and empty as usual. The lack of a nurse does not cause surprise. They usually have their break by this time of the day.

I sit down on one of the many beds in the room with a tissue held at my nose. Theo stretches his hands above my head as he latches his hand unto the cabinet door. He reaches towards the first aid kit. His veins throb and his hair is tousled a bit.

"Like the view?" He asks now at eye level.

I roll my eyes and place my free hand on my second cheek attempting to cool down the heat radiating off of it.

He gently cleans the blood flow from my nose all while maintaining eye contact. He proceeds to clean a bruise that I was unaware of on my cheek. I hiss in pain. He quickly retracts his hand, eyes full of worry. He then lightly places a bandage on it.

"Thanks," I say as I attempt to avoid eye contact.

"No prob, I did throw the ball at you." He replies

We awkwardly make our way towards the cafeteria walking side by side whilst trying to ignore the student's stares.

As we enter into the cafeteria we part we awkward goodbyes. Tyler waves me towards the table he, Brielle, Lailah are currently sitting at. A wide grin is placed on his face.

As I sit down in front of the tray placed before me, I quickly flick Tyler's forehead.

"Oww what was that for?" He says wincing in pain whilst acting like the most dramatic douchebag he usually is.

"That's for throwing me in front of the ball," I reply

"In dodgeball, every man is for themselves." He retorts

"Are you still on for today?," Lailah cuts in.

"Yeah, I'll be at your house by five, "I reply

" We always celebrate our first day of school with a sleepover. "I say informing Brielle who has a confused look on her face. " Brielle you should come,"

I look towards Lailah to back me up." Yeah, you should definitely come "Lailah says hesitantly.

Brielle agrees and seems excited

" Hey what about me, " exclaims Tyler.

The three of us get up and drop our trays. Ignoring Tyler's whines beside us. 

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