Chapter 4-Do I know you ?

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The cheerful chatter that was heard from the table before I had come in, diminishes. I make my way towards my designated seat which just happens to be right beside Theo.

I quietly apologize for being late as I fiddle with the fork placed in front of me. My mom forces a smile and tries to start up the conversation again.

"Were you hanging out with your boyfriend?" Theo whispers whilst nudging my shoulder with his elbow.

I begin to choke on the food I was chewing which earns a hard stare from my mother's cold eyes.

I stutter, "what boyfriend and what does that have to do with you ".

"I thought -" Theo begins to say until my mom cuts in.

"Karissa can you please go pick up the cake I ordered from the bakery."

I begin to get up from my seat to head towards my car when I am stopped in my tracks by what Theo says next.

"Mrs Johnson can I help Karissa go get it, I would be of great help."

"Your such a gentleman Theo, that would be wonderful," My mom replies with a big sickening smile.


Theo and I are stood side by side walking towards my car.

"I can get it myself I don't need your help," I sigh as I pull on my car door.

Theo unrelenting, enters the car seat, making himself comfortable.

The drive towards the bakery is silent but a comfortable one. I decide to put on some music.

"What's with your music taste?" He groans.

"If you don't like it you can step out of my car," I retort rolling my eyes at him.

I pull up in front of the bakery. A huge pink sign with fake sprinkles littered on it said' sweet stuff'. Inside the bakery is brightly lit, with mouth-watering baked goods displayed elegantly on glass cake stands. Lush green velvet chairs were placed around quaint wooden tables. It was bustling with people drinking thick scrumptious milkshakes and consuming the tasty cake that was served.

Theo and I head towards the register. A huge pink arc with foam frosting drizzled on it separated the dining area from the cashier.

The bakery was owned by Tyler's mother so most of the staff already knew me.

" Hey, Kas," Juliana behind the till says as she heads to the back to grab the cake my mother had reserved. Juliana was a middle-aged woman. A single mother to her two twin daughters. She worked part-time at the bakery and as a lunch lady in our school.

Juliana heads back towards us with a large white cardboard box in her hand. She places the white box lightly in my hands and heads back to get the receipt.

Almost immediately I feel the weight of the box lifted from my hand. Theo takes the box from me and heads through the exit towards the car.

Juliana comes back with the receipt in her hand and is about to go back to her position but not before teasing me about Theo.

"He's cute," she says mischievously.

"Thanks, Juliana," I say as I walk out of the bakery, quickly dismissing her. I was not going to let our conversation lead to her suggesting I and Theo should get together.


Sitting in the car and driving towards my house I say to Theo "You know I could have held it myself right. "

"I do I was just trying to be polite." Theo retorts as he fiddles with my phone.

A familiar tune begins to blast out of my phone. I begin to hum the tune at first but soon enough I was singing my heart out.

I blush slightly when I hear Theo chuckle lightly beside me. We begin to sing the lyrics together as we make fun of each other's singing skills.

We both head into the house. I grab the box from Theo and head into the dining table. The cake is shared with everyone. I savour the thick chocolate cake in my mouth as it melts in my mouth slowly.

"It's so good," I moan.

Theo and his family have left and I am snuggled into my warm comfortable bed when I hear Theo yell from his balcony, "Good night neighbour."


It is eight am and I am woken up unwilling by the loud shouts from my mother.

I hop into the bathroom quickly to have a shower and brush my teeth.

I come out of the bathroom with a soft white towel and water beading down my skin. I turn towards the window to see a smirking Theo staring at me.

"Pervert" I shriek as I tug my blinds aggressively. My mother must have opened up my blinds when she came into my room.

I groan as I begin to pick out an outfit for the first day of school. I end up wearing a white turtle neck underneath a red graphic tee. I pair this up with a plaid red skirt and a pair of white converses.

I head towards my car and glance towards Theo's house to see if he had left yet and sure enough he had.

I walk through the hallways of the high school to see Theo surrounded by the popular kids. It was his first day of school and he already had everyone wrapped around his fingers.

I walk towards my locker to see Lilah and Tyler making out. "Not today " I mutter under my breath as I quickly turn around. I was about to head in the opposite direction when Lilah calls out to me.

I trudge towards my locker groaning as I do so, making sure they know how repulsed by their actions I am. I shove my textbook into my locker and slam it shut.

"We were waiting for you," Lilah says as she shuts her locker beside me as well.

"Yeah waiting for me," I murmured

I begin to rant to Tyler and Lilah about how annoying Theo was and how he does not deserve all this unnecessary attention when Lilah begins to nudge my elbow.

I ignore Lilah's signals and continue my rant passionately. That is until I see a tall shadow above me.

I turn around to see Theo with a cocky smirk placed on his face. A handful of girls stop to watch the interaction between him and me. Their menacing glares are directed towards me. Like seriously they have got to give me a break. Didn't they just meet him today? Yet they were all acting like he was their prized possession.

"Hey neighbour," Theo says facing me.

I do not want to face any drama this year so I am going to make sure I avoid him at all costs because the girls watching us would probably slaughter me.

I reply to Theo saying," do I know you? "

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