Chapter 6-Sleep over

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"Rapunzel is the best Disney princess," Brielle exclaims

" No, Tiana is, "I retort.

We are both sitting cross-legged on Lailah's bed debating who the best Disney princess was.

"Could you guys just pick a movie?" Lailah yells causing us to turn our attention towards her.

She was sat on her fluffy white carpet, painting her nails a dark crimson colour. A bold move.

We all eventually decide on the movie wild child, but not without Lailah's excessive groans. It is probably my one-hundredth time watching it. What can I say, Emma Robert's snappy comebacks always had me rolling in laughter. They don't make iconic movies like it anymore.

The movie had finished yet I and Brielle chomping on popcorn can still be heard. The three of us are now all sitting on the bed, I and Brielle lay on either side of Lailah after we just finished a very aggressive pillow fight.

We all glared at Lailah's phone screen as she scrolled through Instagram. She stops at a post. Tyler and Theo are standing together on the basketball court close by. It was no surprise Tyler was there. He is in the basketball team. However, I did not peg Theo as one to play basketball. Yet again I wonder how he just came yet he and Tyler are already all buddied up.

"Since when do they hang out together," I mutter

One of Tyler's basketball teammates stood beside them distracted by something in the distance. He has curly ginger hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was cute.

The doorbell rings.

"That must be Tyler," Lailah says

It was no surprise that Tyler was here, every year he always found a way to barge into our sleepovers and this year would be no different. It was like a tradition.

We didn't mind him coming. It was more fun that way and he is essentially stuck to us like glue.

Multiple steps and unfamiliar voices can be heard as he makes his way up the staircase. Lailah 's mum must have let him in.

As I hear the door handle turn I say, "you better have had a shower before you came. We don't want your pungent stench stinking up the room."

Tyler comes in holding multiple pizza boxes stacked upon each other.

"We have come with a peace offering," Tyler says pointing towards the square pizza box.

I and Brielle sit up excitedly. The savoury smell of pizza envelopes the room.

I am about to make my way towards the boxes when I stop myself in my tracks due to a sudden realization.

What does Tyler mean by we?

I look behind Tyler to see Theo and the boy with ginger hair standing awkwardly behind him. One holding a box of doughnuts and the other two tubs of ice cream.

I was suddenly self-conscious, realizing just what I am wearing. My blue spaghetti strap top clung to my body and I was wearing penguin patterned PJ bottoms. My hair was a mess as well. My dark curls had been quickly placed in a messy bun.

I and Theo make eye contact and then all of a sudden he is staring at everywhere but me.

The guys settled in quickly, the boy with ginger hair who I find out is named Daniel is surprisingly very funny.

We scroll through Netflix, the two boys not appreciating Daniel's input.

"Why can't we watch Moana," He says causing the boys to let out an exasperated sigh. We eventually decide on a movie.

The pizza slices were finished almost instantly and the three of us girls were huddled under the soft blanket devouring the cookie dough ice cream that was brought.

We are now sitting in a circle. Tyler had suggested that we should play never have I ever. If you had done it you were required to take a spoonful of hot sauce. So far I had been hot sauce free. The others were currently chugging large quantities of water. Tyler seemed to be already regretting his decision as he took his fifth spoon of hot sauce.

"Never have I ever-," Tyler starts pausing to think.

A mischievous grin appears on his face as he continues, "Never have I ever worn an alien costume to school. "

I grimace as I think back to the horrible memory. My mom had told me it was the wrong day, yet being the stubborn child I was I waddled into school the next day in my puffy green costume. I was humiliated and had called my mom to pick me up early.

I quietly sip a spoon of hot sauce as I watch the rest of them snicker at the photo of eleven year old me in an alien costume Lailah was showing them.

"Tyler, make sure to sleep with one eye open tonight," I threaten him.

After lounging about for a while everyone agrees that it is time to go to bed . Lailah's house only had three bedrooms and one guestroom. Her bed was not spacious enough for the three of us girls to share due to Lailah's constant kicking while she sleeps so we have to decide by choosing names on pieces of paper from Lailah's palm.

We decide the three that gets to choose through a game of rock, paper scissors. It ends up with Brielle, Theo and Daniel winning.

I lay lazily on Lailah's bed as Brielle picks out a name. She reads out Lailah's name from the flimsy piece of paper.

Just great now I have to room with one of the guys. Hopefully, it's Lailah's twin brother's room because it had two beds.

It's Daniel's turn to choose. I anxiously watch as he picks up the crumpled piece of paper. I desperately hoped it would be me as it would be way better than having to room with Theo. Sweat beads on my forehead as he begins to read out the name.

It is one am in the morning and I lay awake on the guestroom bed. I had somehow ended up having to sleep with none other than Theo on the same bed and the awkward silence was killing me.

Theo knocked on the pillow barricade I had made between us.

" What do you want? " I say

"I just wanted to check if you were asleep."

"well you've checked now"

"I can't fall asleep, let's play twenty questions," He says.

I roll my eyes knowing very well he could not see me.

"What's your favourite colour? " He asks.

"Green" I reply

It is now my turn to ask Him and it takes me a while to ponder about what question I should ask. "What are some of your hobbies?"

"Probably basketball, sleeping and annoying my twin," he replies. "When was your first kiss?" He inquires whilst stifling a yawn.

My cheeks suddenly feel hot and I begin to chew on my lips. Did he have to know that I haven't kissed anyone before?

I am distracted from my thoughts when I hear a light snore from beside me." cute "I giggle to myself.

I slap my cheek lightly as I am surprised by my remark. Tyler isn't cute he is an annoying douche bag. "Snap out of it," I whisper underneath my breath.

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