Chapter 7-New kid

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Bright sun rays leak through the sheer white curtains and dance along my fingertips. I let out a loud yawn and stretched out my arms causing them to land on a hard rigid surface beside me. I feel my fingers move across the smooth skin. I trace circles and lines on it. I suddenly realize that I am caressing Theo's chest!

"Let's not take things too fast sweetheart. '' Theo says with his raspy morning voice.

I finally take note of the surroundings and realize I am not in my room but Lailah 's guest room sleeping beside Theo. My legs were sprawled on the bed with one laid upon Theo's toned legs rippling with his hard muscles. The pillow barricade that was once in a straight line is now scattered across the floor.

The only way out of this situation is to act like I am asleep and that's exactly what I am doing. I shut my eyes tightly and let out a fake snore. It doesn't currently seem to be working though as Theo is chuckling beside me.

"I know you are awake" He whispers into my ear.

I continue to act oblivious. You've got to fake it to make it.

I suddenly feel movement beside me. Theo moves closer towards me and begins to tickle me. I bite my lips hard to stifle my laughter but unable to hold it any longer I burst out in giggles. Realizing I have given myself away I open my eyes to see Theo's face hanging above mine.

Were in this position for a while staring back and forth at each other, both of us unsure of what to do.

The door suddenly barges open revealing Lailah standing in the doorway, mouth hanging open.

"It's not what you think," I and Theo say in unison.

"No, you guys go on," Lailah says dismissing what we said. "I was about to offer you guys breakfast but it seems you've already had some."

At this comment, I quickly clamber out of the bed and chase after the running Lailah. We run across the staircase and past the many rooms in her house. I end up cornering her in the kitchen.

"What the hell, Lailah" I yell. "It is not what you think."

"It's ok Karissa I support both of you." She replies. "I've already created the ship name, Tharissa," She says emphasizing her point with her hands and staring into the distance.

I shake my head furiously and turn my head towards the others making their way down the spiral staircase. They all seemed to have had a good sleep and were now dressed in the change of clothing they had brought.

Theo the last of the people coming down the stairs has now put on a shirt and was distracted by the contents of his phone.

The tasks for making breakfast was split between us six by Lailah who winks at me after pairing me up with Theo. I groan in annoyance as I make my way towards the pancake mix.

"You're so lucky sweetheart that you get to cook with me," Theo says smirking.

"Please, I would rather slit my throat than have to cook with you," I reply.

"But didn't you call me cute last night," Theo says glaring at me triumphantly.

"Shit" I whisper under my breath. Theo must have been awake. The amount of heat energy my body was radiating right now was probably enough to fry scrambled eggs on.

I turn away from him and head towards Brielle who is currently setting up the table outside.

"I thought you were helping Theo," Brielle says dropping a glass jar full of orange juice in the middle of the table.

"He says he doesn't need help," I say whilst fiddling with the cutlery.


The breakfast table is loud and rowdy everyone laughing at the banter between Tyler and Daniel. However, Lailah's constant glances between me and Theo was causing me to lose my appetite.

"Could you stop that ?," I hiss glaring at Lailah who is currently feigning ignorance.

"Sorry I just wanted to see if you guys were sharing loving glances between each other," she replies. "Can't you tell that I am working so hard to be the perfect wingman"

"Nothing is going on between the both of us," I whisper loudly.

"Yeah, that is what you keep saying but, I know there is," she replies nonchalantly.

I am so tired of trying to convince her otherwise because whatever I say to her seems to go through one ear and out the other. I silently eat my breakfast and join in the conversation occasionally not to arouse any suspicion.

After the meal, I head upstairs to change. I put on baggy blue jeans and a white cropped shirt which has the spider man meme of the three spider-men pointing at one another embroidered upon it.

All four of us excluding Brielle and Theo file into Lailah's white jeep.

When we enter the school building talk of another new kid has filled the hallway. The thirsty girls could not contain their drool dripping down their mouths as they talked about how hot the new kid is.

I walk into biology class and find a random seat to sit on as I wait for Brielle who was the only other person I was close to in this class.

I busy myself by getting my stationery out when I sense movement beside me.

Thinking it is Brielle, I say "I was waiting for you."

However, I turn around to see someone completely different. A guy with dark brown strands of hair and tantalising Grey eyes staring right at me is standing in front of me. He is wearing a grey cardigan fitted perfectly on his figure and his hands are hanging from the pockets of his black jeans. He must be the new kid and I for one agree with the other girls. He is unimaginably attractive. He has to be one of God's favourites.

"Since the beautiful lady is waiting for me I might as well take my seat beside her," He says

"I thought were someone else," I stutter, quickly averting his gaze. He just called me beautiful and I am still trying to process it.

"The name is Jordan," He says extending his right palm out.

Assuming he is waiting for me to shake it, I grasp his hand awkwardly and shake it lightly.

Brielle comes in bustling in front of the biology teacher and seats on the table in front of us next to a girl named Amelia. She glares at Jordan, shooting daggers out of her eyes. Most likely for claiming her seat, or could it be because of something else? There seemed to be some tension brewing between them. Brielle looks enraged and it can't be just because he is sitting next to me.

The teacher proceeds to teach the lesson and at the end, he states that the person beside us would be our partner for the rest of the year.

"Well partner," Jordan says turning to me. "I am afraid I did not get your name"

"The name is Karissa," I reply with a teasing grin. 

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