Trial And Error

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What's up guys, back with another chapter. this chapter is going to be a good one, so I hope you enjoy it.


7:20 am

Serena's pov

"So Serena, what's your plan for after school today" Zac asks as we walk into the schoolyard together?

"Nothing today, did you want to go somewhere" I ask?

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to J&J (Jessie and James's) diner after school" Zac asks?

"Sure I'd be down" I say as we walk into the school.

Over the past few months, me and Zac have been getting closer and closer, and it's crazy to think that our whole friendship started because of the time I saw him walking home and said hi to him


"In class today, we are going to be talking about creatures of the past of the past, including the creature of the mist" professor Elm says.

"What was the creature of the mist" may asks?

"The creature of the mist was a tale written in a scroll many many years ago. One day a fisherman in Kanto was fishing during a very clear night and the water was very peaceful, the fisherman hadn't had a catch in a while and he was getting very tired. Just as the fisherman started to doze off, he felt a rumbling in the distance, he then opened his eyes to see that it was very foggy out and he could hardly see. As the rumbling started to get closer, the fisherman lit up his lantern and tried to see where the rumbling was coming from. Just then, there was this huge shadow in the fog, the shadow was some sort of huge dragon figure. The shadow then let out a loud screeching sound, and a big wave appeared in front of the fisherman, which carried his boat back to shore. When the fisherman, told the village people about the shadow dragon, they just laughed at him and said there was no such thing. The only person who believed him was this elderly Liberian. And she said she had seen it too when she was little. As the fisherman told the lady about his adventure she was writing it all down in a scroll. The next night, he went out to the ocean to search for the shadow dragon, and he was never seen again." professor Elm says.

"Do you think the story is real professor Elm?" I ask?

"Maybe, but it's probably just a myth" he says.

Hmm, I wonder what happened to the fisherman?


"So in gardening class today we are going to be learning the best way to plant a plant in a pot" Mr. Ramos says.

"There's a certain way to plant a plant in a pot" some kid asks?

"Well, indeed there is, there's 7 steps that you need to follow. The first thing to do is fill the pot halfway with dirt next put some fertilizer in the pot, next fill the pot ¾'s full and then put the seeds in. next cover the seeds with dirt. Next water the seeds. Then place your plants on the windowsill." Mr. Ramos says. The class then proceeds to pick up their pot on their desk and walk over to the big box of dirt.

"Serena you think this is enough dirt" Iris asks?

"Yep, that's perfect" Mallow says.

"Mallow you have a greenhouse at your house right" I ask?

"Yeah my parents build one last year, and every day after school, I help out in the greenhouse doing small projects like watering the plants or cleaning the floors." Mallow says as we walk over to the fertilizer station.

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