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7 am Tuesday morning September 13th

"So Serena, has Ash talked to you at all yet" Dawn asks?

"No, not yet" I say.

"Hmm, I wonder what's up with him, he should be thrilled to see you" Dawn says.

"Yeah, I don't know why he's avoiding me, do you think he found someone else back in Kanto" I ask?

"Serena, it's Ash, he didn't even know you liked him until you told him '' Dawn says giggling.

"You're right," I say, giggling.

"So do you have any plans after school today" Dawn asks?

"Well I know Franklin wanted to take me somewhere this week, but if you wanted to do something, im down" I say.

"Sure, wanna come over to my house today" Dawn asks?

"Sure" I say as we continue walking to school.

8:25 am

"Hey Serena" Iris says as she sits down at the desk next to me.

"Hey, what's up" I ask?

"I wanted to ask how you and Ash are doing" she asks?

"Well not that good right now, he hasn't talked to me since he's got back" I say with a frown on my face.

"Wait what? Why hasn't he talked to you, it sounded like you and him left off so good, why is he not talking to you" she asks?

"Don't know, im going to try and talk to him at some point today, so wish me luck" I say smiling a little bit. Did Ash find someone else?


10:00 am


As I hear the bell ring, I look over at Ash, to see him standing up to leave class. I then proceed to walk up to Ash and say "Hey Ash, what's up?" but even with that, he just walks out the door without even acknowledging me.

"Hey Serena" I hear behind me as I turn around to see Misty walking over to me.

"Oh hey Misty, what's up" I ask?

"I wanted to ask you if Ash has talked to you yet" Misty says.

"No, he hasn't, I just tried to talk to him again, and he just ignored me" I say to her with a frown.

"Well, this is what I think you should do. I think you should go up to him and try again, but if he tries to walk away, force him into talking to you, he's being so odd, and all of this needs to stop, seeing you too not talking is hurting everyone who knew your old friendship" Misty says with a serious tone.

"Thanks Misty, I really needed that" I say smiling at her.

"No problem, I know all of us would like to see you guys get close again" she says smiling.

"Well I have to get to class now, thanks a lot Misty" I say to her.

"No problem" she says as we split off from each other.

As im walking to history myths class, I start to think about what Misty said and how to get Ash talking again.

"Hey, hottie" I hear some boy say. As I turn around to see who it is, I see a boy from the soccer team standing behind me.

"What did you say" I ask him not knowing if I heard him correctly?

"I said, Hey hottie" He says with a grin on his face.

"What do you want" I ask him?

"Can I get your number" he asks whipping out his phone?

"Uhhh, sorry but im talking to someone" I say with a fake smile on my face.

"What does that have to do with me getting your number, you know I play soccer right" He says flexing his right arm.

"It means that I don't think he would like it if I gave you my number" I say.

"Oh whatever, ill get your number once you figure out how much hotter I am than your pussy ass boyfriend" he says as he walks away. I then start to wonder, what was his deal?


12:40 pm

"So Mallow, do you see any boys that you might be interested in" May asks her?

"I've seen a few cute boys, but no one who really stands out" Mallow says.

"Same, no one really stands out" Lana says.

"Barry's kinda cute" Iris says.

"Well other than the fact that he is very annoying, I guess you could say that" Misty says.

"What about you Lillie" I ask?

"Um, no one really stands out to me yet" she says.

"Well if you girls are done talking about crushes, I think you guys should know what I just found out" clemont says standing behind Lillie.

"What do you have to tell us" Dawn asks?

Well, there was this big man, who walked into the cafe, walked over to Gary, whispered something to him, and then the 2 of them left" Clemont says.

"Is that all you had to tell us" May asks?

"Well no, but I thought you guys should know that first" Clemont says.

"Well, what else do you have to tell us" Misty asks?

"I just saw Paul holding hands with some brunette girl" Clemont says.

"Who was the girl" I ask?

"Don't know, she had her back turned" he says.

"Well, thanks for telling us Clemont" Dawn says.

"No problem" Clemont says before he walks back over to his lunch table.

Hmmm, I wonder who Paul was holding hands with Misty asks?


2:20 pm

"So, Serena, are you ready to leave" Dawn asks?

"Give me one second" I say as I see Ash walk out of the school.

"Best of luck" Misty whispers in my ear.

"Thanks" I say to her before walking towards Ash. with every step I take, my heart starts to beat faster and faster; thoughts begin to fly through my head. What if he just ignores you? I take a deep breath, and walk up to Ash, as he now is almost out the front gate. "Ash, talk to me please" I say to Ash as he proceeds to ignore me. "Ash" I say as u grab his arm, he then with a swift motion, yanks his arm out of my hands and says.

"Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you anymore" he says in an angry tone. After hearing that, my feet stop dead in their tracks, I can feel my heart slowly sink down in my chest, and I start to feel lightheaded. Why does he not want to talk to me anymore, did I do something to hurt him?


What's up guys, yes I know, there hasn't been a new chapter in a while; and I have a perfectly good explanation for that. so the reason is that I got a new PC, and have been trying to set everything up, another thing is I've been focused on making youtube videos, as there has been a lot of stuff happening in the anime. (including Serena returning [YAAYYY]). but here are the questions:

-Does Ash really hate Serena?

-Why does Ash not want to talk to Serena anymore?

-Who are these men that Gary keeps meeting up with?

I know this is a pretty short chapter, but there will be longer chapters in the future. what do you guys think will happen for the rest of the story? make sure if you guys enjoyed this chapter to leave a vote:)

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