Turbulent Waters

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9:00 am Saturday morning September 10th.

As I feel the warm heat rays from the sun against my face, I start to open my eyes, just to get blinded by the sunlight blaring through my window. "What time is it" I ask as I look at my clock to see it's 9 am. I then proceed to slowly get out of bed and walk over to my closet to get changed for the day. I put on a light gray oversized sweatshirt and some dark grey sweatpants. As I walk out of my room, I slowly start to creep down the warm feeling stairs, as Asher follows me. "Asher, we got a big day ahead of us" I say to Asher as I walk into the kitchen. I then reach into the pantry and grab a blueberry muffin. I then grab a plate and sit down at the kitchen table.

"Asher, we have a guest coming over today, so you better be on your best behavior" I say to Asher as I remember that Franklin is coming over to my house today to help tutor me for math class. As I continue to munch on my muffin, I start to scroll through old photos on my phone, none of them really drew my attention, except one. I start to watch the video Gary took of Ash falling on top of me on the bus. I then start to think back to that experience and how that was the turning point when I really started to like Ash. just then I hear a knock on the door. I then get up from the kitchen table and walk over to the door. As I open the door, I see Franklin standing outside, wearing grey sweatpants and a blue hoodie.

"Good morning Serena" Franklin says smiling.

"Good moring, Franklin. Please, come inside" I say as Franklin walks inside and shuts the door behind him.

"Here, go sit down on the couch, ill go get some snacks" I say as I walk over to the pantry in the kitchen and grab some chips and salsa and bring them over to the living room.

"So what do you want to touch upon first" Franklin asks as he takes out the math textbook.

"Well, I've been confused on the radius and diameter stuff we have been learning about" I say as I flip to the page about the 2 equations.

"Serena, how are you struggling with this, it's so easy" Franklin says as he starts showing me the equation nπ. So first you simplify..." he starts explaining. As I listen to what he's saying, I start to stare at the ceiling and daydream about Ash, and what he might be doing. "Serena, Serena"

"Oh, yeah what's up" I ask as I stop daydreaming.

"Were you even paying attention" he asks chuckling?

"To be honest with you, no I wasn't" I say giggling.

"Ok, so going back to what I was saying, first you simplify...."


12:00 pm

"So Serena, you wanna take a quick break" Franklin asks?

"Sure, what do you want to do now" I ask?

"Do you wanna just watch a movie" Franklin asks?

"Sure, why not" I say as I sit down on the couch next to him.

"What do you wanna watch" Franklin asks?

"It's up to you Frank" I say giggling.

"To be honest, that nicknames kinda growing on me" he says smiling at me. "Let's watch Mewtwo strikes back" Franklin says.

"Sure" I say as Franklin puts the movie on.

"Real quick, before we start the movie, I wanted to ask you something" Franklin says.

"Yeah what is it" I ask?

"So I was talking to your "gangster" friend Gary, and as we were talking about you, he kept on bringing up a name of a boy, I think the name was Ash, who was he" Franklin asks?

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