Favorable Ends

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7:00 AM, Friday Morning September 16th.

"So Serena, How was your date yesterday?" Dawn asks me smirking?

"I mean, it was good, other than when Zac asked me out" I say nervously.

"HE ASKED YOU OUT?" Dawn asks Swiftly.

"Yeah, he did," I say, waiting for the questions to start.

"What did you say? How did he ask you? What led up to that moment?" She asks as she bombards me with questions.

"I told him that I didn't see him that way, I said that we should stick as friends." I say.

"Oh, well I wonder how he's doing since your friend-zoned him, Clemont was telling me how Zac told him how he liked you a lot and was thinking about asking you out" Dawn says.

"Wait a second, if you knew that Zac was going to ask me out, why were you so surprised when I told you he did" I ask confusedly.

"Because I didn't know he was actually going to do it, he said he was thinking about it, I just didn't think he had the balls to do it." Dawn says.

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense haha" I say giggling.

"Oh, By the way, I was walking past Ash in school yesterday, and I saw him talking to a girl in one of my classes named Hori," Dawn says.

"Are you being serious?" I ask frantically.

"No, I'm just joking, calm down" Dawn says laughing.

"I was about to say" I say calming down.

"As I was walking by Ash, I did see her checking him out though like she was walking past looking at him blushing" Dawn says.

"What does she look like, her name sounds familiar?" I ask.

"Well she has long brown hair, goldish brown looking eyes, She's like the most popular girl in school, She's super pretty" Dawn says.

"Oh, well I've probably heard her name around school then" I say.

"It's ok Serena, you have nothing against her" Dawn says giggling.

"Shut up" I say laughing.

"Speaking of Ash, when will you try and get Ash to talk to you?" Dawn asks.

"Today after school." I say.

"Well good luck." Dawn says.

"Thanks." I say. "Also I was meaning to ask, how is your cousin doing? He goes to our school right?" I ask.

"He's doing good, I haven't talked to him in a while so I can't really answer that." Dawn says.

"Well that's good, He's two years older than us right?" I ask?

"Yea, he's a senior now, I can't believe it" Dawn says giggling.

"Yeah I haven't seen him since 6th grade, so he has probably changed a ton" I say.

"He has grown up all right, by the way, have you heard anything about who the new class president is going to be since the last one graduated last year?" Dawn asks.

"The only thing that I've heard is that it might be a junior or sophomore." I say.

"So I could be someone from our grade?" Dawn asks.

"Maybe" I say. "Do you think it might be Hatsuharu?"

"That is actually a good guess. He's popular, a junior, and pretty smart, so maybe" Dawn says.

"Arnt he and Hori dating too? So that also boosts his popularity." I say.

"I think so, so that will definitely boost his popularity a ton." Dawn says as we continue walking to school.

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