Chapter 3

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*Unknown's POV*

For the first time in months, it wasn't the blaring alarms or cruel guards to wake her up, it was the sun caressing her face like the old friend it was. The golden rays shown through the windows and the cold nipped at her nose as it pushed through the wooden cabin walls. 

her eyes fluttered open and she laid still as her senses secured the room. When she felt safe she snuggled deeper into the torn blanket. Her fire was long dead, but her spirit was not. For the first time in a while, she was safe. 

She knew that she needed to get moving, because as of right now she had no estimations on the number of people looking for her, and if it came down to it, the prison could easily find her here. 

She pushed herself off the ground and shivered as the cold wrapped around her body, however she wasn't going to complain, at least she could still feel something. That meant Hypothermia hadn't come for her yet. 

The cabin was much brighter in the morning light, and tucked into the corner she found a small wardrobe tucked into the corner. She looked around for a weapon and when she found none she resigned herself to the fact that if something was taking up residence in there, t was a hand-to-hand encounter. 

With a deep breath she yanked it open. She braced herself as nothing lunged for her. God, I'm was getting paranoid, she thought bitterly as she reached out to stroke the item that caught her attention. 

A warm fur-lined jacket that was several sizes too big for her stayed in her gaze, and she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. Maybe I could get through this. 

The rest of the wardrobe was just as exciting, a backpack, a warm long sleeve, a pair of boots, and a pair of pants that with some adjustment and a belt, could work. 

She pulled the garments on her small frame and adjusted all the pieces of clothing around her body. She had to rip off some of the pant leg to stuff in her boots so she could walk properly, and loop the belt around her twice, but other than that it fit nicely enough. 

She now looked more like a boy than a girl, and after braiding her hair back into a bun and covering it with a hat, she was practically unrecognizable. Her eyes racked over her outfit and she thought about the one-eighty her life was taking right now, no more doll-like docile daughter, hello independent soldier, guess they always were one and the same.

Her fingertips brushed the handle on the worn knife she had found tucked in the backpack and she found comfort in the action. With a final sweep she pushed herself back out into the unforgiving wilderness, hoping better things laid ahead. 

*Third Persons POV*

The group had trouble falling asleep, and for the first time in a while they found themselves scared of what could be hiding in their dream. The last dream was like a tsunami; it drowned them in fear. This one was different, it was like the tide, ebbing in and out, lulling them into a calm sea.  

She walked like she's lived in the woods her whole life, and as far as they knew she could've. She was dressed snugly in clothes that could make her pass for a man, and it was quite the contrast from the dainty little dress she was wearing in their last dream. 

Her long hair was now tucked into a cap, and it was hard to see the resemblance to the girl they had seen earlier. 

Sh moved quickly and quietly through the woods, like a hunter stalking her unsuspecting prey. A knife was gripped tightly in one hand as she stayed moved behind a large pine. 

Movement caught their eye as a black fur shuffled towards the girl. It took a second before they realized they were staring at a bear, a very big bear. The girl ceased all movement, keeping a very calm facade as she faced the bear. That picture was the last thing they saw as they all jolted awake from yet another dream.

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