Chapter 12

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*Noella's POV*

As usual, She woke up in terror. Only this time it wasn't the Iron prison drowning her over and over again. This time it wasn't a dream, but a memory. 

She was back in her prison, and once again it was made of iron. She still suffocated, but in a different way, she was suffocating in the knowledge of what would come, because this was the day everything turned for the worst.

She had been in containment for a week. They didn't allow her to sleep, she was passed from interrogation room to interrogation room, all in the hopes that she would falter. She was a top priority long before her capture, so there was no shortage of new faces that were shuffled in to confuse her. 

People across the ranks seemed to be personally invested in her case and everyone of them failed to see that she was still screwing with them. Let's just say she had them leaving with smiles each day!

"We know you have been giving information to the Americans. Who is your contact?" The interrogator asked for the twentieth time. 

Noella was honestly bored of this line of questioning, they were wasting their time, but then again it truly was their time. She was alive as long as they needed her. 

"I'm sorry but, what Americans?" She asked while playing dumb yet again. She tilted her head slightly to the right, gaining a curious look from the man. He sympathized with her because all he saw was a young girl.

He went to speak again before listening to something coming from his comm. He abruptly stood up and began grabbing all of the documents and such that were laid out on the table. He gave her one last look, almost looking like he felt bad for her and left the room. That's probably not good, so far they had been relatively gentle with her. Nothing close to the horrors she was drilled about in the event of capture, but she had a feeling things are going to get a lot less gentle.

"Miss Noella, It's been a while since we have last seen each other." A familiar man said opening the door. 

Oh yeah, this was definitely not good. He was her 'Father's' friend who worked for the KGB. She never liked him; he was always very touchy and well, cruel. She also got the distinct impression that her didn't like her either.

"Yes it has. Has my Father come for me yet?" She questioned. "Told you all this was a big misunderstanding?" 

"He tried little bird. That was until we showed him all the evidence." She shuddered at the nickname, and he threw a bigger document onto the table. "Go on, Have a look, it's a very good read." He spoke after switching to English, almost as if it was a taunt.

His cold analytical eyes bore into her as she slowly reached forward and grabbed the document. The first page was nothing but names, people they suspected were involved in her indiscretions. She kept her face blank as she looked over the names, pleased to find Blake's cover not on there. 

The more she looked the more appalling the documents became. Half the stuff in there wasn't even her doing. It honestly boasted her ego knowing they thought her capable of being everywhere at once. However, she was more than willing to take the blame. Avenge me you modern-day troublemakers!

"Can I keep this? It looks like a great story." She mused. Turning the page she smirked. "Well-written."

The next photograph was enough to ruin her relatively good mood. It was her desk in the room she was provided. They had taken it apart and found the compartment she hollowed into the desk. It had her kit, including some of the film she was not able to pass on. 

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