Chapter 6-Sheriff

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Kris sighed as they followed Hank out of the building. "So, what's the plan? They asked. Hank didn't respond, instead drew a long sword from their belt. Kris looked at him in confusion until a loud sound interrupted. It was like a loud bang that made Kris jump and turn to the source. Another one of those strange creatures was standing on a large wall nearby. Kris seriously needed to ask Hank was type of monster he was because "strange creatures" is becoming a mouthful. "Well well well, if it isn't my nemesis Hank". The thing said. Kris examined the new guy. He was dressed like a cowboy, hat and all. A revolver was hanging from his hip, ready to be fired. Beside him were two snipers, probably the guys who had shot at us, Kris thought. "Piss off Sheriff, you coward" Hank spat. Sheriff laughed at him "who's your little friend, huh?" Sheriff leaned forward to get a better look at Kris. "What even is that?" He asked. Kris glared at him. "I'm a human, thank you very much". They flinched at the venomous tone to their voice. Sheriff shook his head. "Now I think you might just be bluffin, never heard of a human before". He said. "I look nothing like you guys! There's no way that we're the same species!" Kris internally cringed at their voice. They hadn't meant to say that. Sheriff raised his hand. "Grunt or human, I don't give a shit what you are, I only care about the fact that you two are on my property". He said. Grunt, that must be the name of the weird creatures, but Hank was thinking about something else. Brandishing the sword, they made a charge for the wall Sheriff was standing on. Kris ran after him, he seriously needed to start telling Kris what he was gonna do. As they approached the wall , Kris saw that there was a large gate blocking their way. What the heck was Hank trying to do? Suddenly there was a loud roar. Kris looked up to see a huge monster crash through the wall. Hank didn't seem fazed at all, but instead began to instantly attack the thing, without hesitation. Kris was surprised at the energy and rage. Hank was an exceptional fighter, that was for sure. Kris realised that they didn't have a weapon, so they couldn't help fight. They desperately looked around, searching for a tool. There! On the ground, another sword! It seemed almost too good to be true, but Kris didn't care at that moment. They picked it up and ran at the huge monster. Hank had already wounded it and was trying to land a finishing blow. Gee, Hank was one hell of a fighter if he could weaken something of that size that fast. Kris ran behind the thing as it reached for Hank and grabbed him. Kris jumped onto the thing's back and crawled up towards its head. Hank was distracting it by stabbing the hand he was trapped in, giving Kris the opportunity to stab it in the head. The monster gave a loud bellow as it shook its head wildly, throwing Kris off. They landed with a hard thud on the ground. Hank landing nearby. The monster stumbled around in blind rage, pawing at its head. With a roar, it smashed through the gate, leaving behind a huge hole. Distant cries of "Abort Abort!" Could be heard as a strange shape began to descend on them. Two more grunts were in control of the thing, and they hoisted Kris and Hank inside
And then Kris blacked out

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