Chapter 11-Plans

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Kris walked down the hall. The meeting with Doc had them feeling on edge for some reason. But Kris would have to stay with these guys no matter how sketchy they were, because they knew how to navigate this world, and something was telling Kris that they'd be dead if they went solo. Kris turned the corner to see Deimos leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. "Heya Kris!" He called. Kris walked over to him and Deimos sighed "Wish you were 18, then you could have a smoke with me" he said. Deimos turned and flashed Kris a toothy grin "Wouldn't that be great eh? Me and you, bounding over some smokes" he said. "Deimos, that's enough" Kris turned around to see Sanford standing at the corner. "They're 16, and we don't have time to be hanging around, we have plans to make". Deimos sighed "All right, cmon Kris, let's go". Kris followed Sanford and Deimos down the hall, until they reached the kitchen. Hank was sitting at the table with Doc. Kris took a seat next to Hank, earning strange looks from Hank, Sanford and Deimos.
Doc stood up "Right everybody, as you may know, we have teammate" he gestured at Kris before continuing to speak "Even with this new addition to our team, we can't stray off task, the AAHW are still active, and we have to stop them". Deimos rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah, we know all this Doc, so just cut to the chase and save the motivational speech for later". "Deimos, don't interrupt" Doc said. "So, I've located an AAHW facility near us, it's used for cloning, which means that sooner or later we're gonna have to take it down, also, this mission is handy for teaching Kris the basics, and how they can contribute to the team, all in all, it's a win-win for us" he said. "What do you say?" Deimos shrugged "Sounds pretty good to me" Sanford nodded and Hank stayed quiet "Hank, what you think?" Doc said. Hank did some weird movements with his hands "Hank thinks it's ok, so, let's get ready". Kris stood up and left with Sanford and Deimos "Why did Hank wave his hands around instead of talking?" Kris asked. "He's not much of a talker Kris, you're lucky you heard him" Sanford said.
Hank was becoming more of an interesting character by the second
And something was telling Kris that they would have to be wary of that.

A SOUL in Nevada (Deltarune x MadCom)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum