Spooky Scary Skeletons

303 13 7

Ship: Mavid [Mario x David]

Type: Hurt/Comfort

Requested By: Totally_Cheese

Plot: Ritchie and Brandon sent David out to go look for Mario who hadn't come back after a few days from going on a mission.

a/n: sorry to Totally_Cheese for the long wait on your request. I kept getting writers block and got stuck on some of it. But now it's finished so yay!

David POV:

I walked off the ship and walked down the platform. Ritchie and Brandon sent me out to get Mario.

He went out on a mission and was supposed to return a couple of days ago.

I don't know why the others are so worried. I mean, he's pebbles. He'll be fine...right?

I pushed the thought away and continued walking. They said he was somewhere close inland near the forests. I'll check there first.

Four hours later…

I grumbled in frustration. I've been searching for over four hours now, and I've still not been able to find him. Where is he?!

"PEBBLES! Peeebbbllesss!" I called out.


I searched deeper into the forest I was in. The forest started to turn from sunny and peaceful to dark and gloomy.

The fog stayed low to the floor and the trees and sky looked more grey.


I treaded lightly on the moist dirt (EW!! sorry), stepping in puddles every so often.

I groaned in disgust. "Mario! Where are you?!" I called out again. I kept walking through the depressing forest.

The forest eventually led out to a larger field, worse than the forest. There were barely any trees and it was filled with graves. I hesitantly walked through the graveyard. I saw something move in my peripheral vision behind a tree near me. I quickly looked and saw nothing.

My attention was quickly brought back in front of me when I heard muffled shouting coming from nearby.

I headed in the direction of the shouting. I walked over to an area with two dead trees and a sandpit in between. My heart stopped as I saw a hand sticking out of the sand, slowly sinking.

I looked closely at the hand. I saw a familiar silver ring on one of the fingers. Wait a minute…


I ran over and grabbed his hand and began to pull. His arm slowly began to show. I grabbed what was visible and continued to pull.

"Hang on, pebbles!"

He responded with muffled shouting.

I pulled one last time and he flew out, making us both fall back. He landed on top of me.

We both laid there until he started to cough. I instantly sat up and held him. He began to cough up sand. I patted his back to help him.

After he stopped coughing, he laid his head against my chest. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Mario, how did you get stuck in quicksand?!"

"I….well...this was the place to go for the mission and I was walking around till I got attacked by necromantic skeletons.

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