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(The Nemesis)

Starscream has really hit an all-time low.  First, he lost his shot at leadership of the Decepticons.  Next, he finds a rival in Gulfstream.  Then he nearly gets beaten into scrap by Megatron.  Then he has to be shipmates with Harpoon.  Then he loses an arm trying to raise his own undead warrior via Skyquake.  And Last, just when he thought it couldn't get worse for him, he is brought to a stipped energon mine to be executed by Megatron.  He was only sparred by Arcee's intervention, which lead to the mine's collapse, burying him, Megatron, Arcee, Bulkhead and two of their human friends.  In an effort to rescue Megatron and regain his favor, he ended up having to prop up a large rock and ended up being helped by Megatron of all bots.  The events of that day have left Starscream a humbled and broken seeker, leaving him to conclude that his rightful place is as Megatron's follower.  Wanting his intentions to be known, he summoned Soundwave.

Starscream: I have been a fool. Made mistakes. Monumental ones. I now realize I was never destined to be leader, or even an equal partner. And I am at peace with that. I have gained a clear understanding of my place in the universe. Of who I am. Of who I was always meant to be. Starscream, second in command, humble servant to Lord Megatron. Thank you for listening, Soundwave.

Soundwave stopped recording and nodded slightly in response.  Starscream soon headed for the bridge.  Along the way, he ran into Harpoon who decided to add insult to injury.

Harpoon: Tsk tsk tsk tsk Leader of the Decepticons, HaHaHaArgh!  I always knew you would never succeed Screamer!  And it looks like I was right!

Starscream just stomped over to the laughing pirate and slashed his face with his claws, adding more scars to his face.  As Harpoon recovered from the strike, he looked at the glaring seeker before him.

Starscream: I may not be leader of the Decepticons, but I am still your superior officer!  And I will not hesitate to skewer you if you dare cross me!  Do I make myself clear!?

Harpoon:(hisses) Perfectly clear...Commander.

Starscream: Good.  Now get out of my sight!

Harpoon:(glares) Yes sir.

Harpoon walked away holding his hand to his face, he swore that if he got the chance, he would terminate Starscream.  Starscream continued towards the bridge, hoping that Megatron would someday order him to personally execute that rusty pirate.  Once he got to the bridge, he found Megatron chatting with Airachnid about him, and a crashed Decepticon ship.

Megatron: Is this true!?

Airachnid: Starscream never mentioned it?

Megatron: If he is up to his old tricks, I shall grind him into powder!

Starscream didn't like the feeling of this, nonetheless, he made himself known.

Megatron: Starscream...

Starscream: Lord Megatron, please excuse Airachnid's impertinence.  Now, what was it that I allegedly failed to mention?

Megatron: The Harbinger...

Starscream: Aheh...Uh...what about it?

Airachnid: Eons ago a Decepticon transport crash-landed on this planet.

Starscream: Oh please!  Common knowledge, I scouted the crash site when we first arrived on Earth.

Airachnid: Then I presume you recovered the experimental weapon prototype the Harbinger had been transporting?

Now Starscream was taken aback.

Megatron: Where is the crash site?

Airachnid: It was never logged to your ships' database. 

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