Wings and Webs

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Dodger and Thomas were out for some drivetime and music.  Today, they were discussing the latest adventures Team Prime has had.

Thomas: Hey Dodge, ya think Ratchet can finish the synthetic energon formula?

Dodger: I hope so, we don't want him testing it on himself and going nuts again.

A while back, a Cybertronian data cylinder was found on Earth, these cylinders contained some of Cybertron's greatest knowledge.  From Astronomy to Medicine.  They were jettisoned off Cybertron to keep them from the Decepticons.  The one that landed on Earth contained the formula for a synthetic energon.  With such a formula, one could manufacture a seemingly endless supply of energon, which is important since natural energon is hard to find.  Unfortunatly, the cylinder's contents ended up getting phased into Bulkhead's brain, slowly but surely, its contents began to erase Bulkhead's memories all while making him paint the formula on metal plates.  In an effort to maintain Bulkhead's memories, Miko took him to a monster truck stadium, but in the process ran into Knockout and Breakdown.  The resulting skirmish resulted in the data phasing out of Bulkhead's head and into deep space, thankfully Bulkhead's memories were restored, much to the glee of Miko and the relief of the rest of the team.

Though the formula was incomplete, Ratchet used what parts of it he had to create a sample of it.  Ratchet needed more time to complete the formula, but time was something he didn't have, as the Autobot's energon supply was starting to run dry.  Ratchet felt he should do more besides act as mission control, so he tested a sample of Synth-En on himself.  The Synth-En made Ratchet stronger and faster, which a squadron of Vehicons learned the hard way when they tried to gang up on Arcee.  It also made him studly-er, as Arcee and Gulfstream can attest.  Unfortunately, the Synth-En also made Ratchet more aggressive, cocky and violent.  It was also addictive, having the same effect on Ratchet as steroids would have on humans.  During another mission, the effects of the Synth-En made Ratchet brutally torture a Decepticon miner, forcing the other Autobots to intervene.  Finally, Ratchet tried to fight Megatron himself.  That almost got him killed, fortunately, the Autobots were able to save Ratchet and get him to sick bay.  They also managed to recover a much-needed supply of energon, allowing them to replenish their stocks.  After that debacle, Ratchet decided that the Synth-En needs more work, and no more testing on Autobots, only machines.

Thomas: Who would have thought that Synth-En would act like steroids.

Dodger: Right, at least we know what the Synth-En is capable of, we shouldn't give up on it.

Their conversation was cut short when a muscle car cut them off, it was a black car with flames painted on it, Vince.

Thomas: Vince!  Whats he doing here!?

Dodger: Being a jerk, what else?

Thomas: If only we could race him, then we could teach him a lesson.

Dodger: Who says we have to race him?

(Cue music below)

Dodger accelerated to 90 MPH in order to catch up to Vince until he was on the bully's tail.  Dodger stayed on his tail until he noticed a state trooper parked up ahead.  Dodger slowed down to the speed limit before they were in range of the cop's radar gun.  Meanwhile, Vince sped ahead...right past the cop doing 95.  The cop immediately accelerated out of his spot and caught up to Dodger, thankfully Thomas was in the driver's seat so the cop wouldn't get suspicious about a pick-up truck with no driver.  Thomas watched as the state trooper Crown Vic raced past him, got behind Vince and started flashing his lights.  Vince thought he could be a jerk to Thomas and Dodger, but all he got was a hefty speeding ticket.  Karma, ain't it sweet?

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