Helping Hands

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Out in the desert north of Las Vegas, an old bus was sitting out in the desert.  500 yards away, an old tank that was loaded with explosives for some reason.  700 yards away from that, 3 old military trucks parked next to each other.  A jack rabbit was standing on a rock next to the vehicles when it suddenly heard something in its oversized ears and ran away to safety.  

That rabbit wasn't running away from a coyote, it was running away from the sounds of jet engines overhead, because after the jack rabbit was gone, a missile hit the old bus and blew it to slithering's.  Seconds later, another missile hit the old tank, creating an explosion that blows the turret off, sending it flying 100 feet into the air.  Seconds later another missile was flying at the 3 old trucks, the missile was steered onto the center truck, blowing it to pieces and sending the other two flying with pieces coming off of them.  This section of desert is an air force bombing range, but the only one there was a blue and gold fighter jet with no pilot.

(Autobot base)

Agent Fowler and the kids were sitting at a human workstation with a laptop like device.  Ratchet watched from his workstation as well.  They watched in amazement as the target vehicles were turned into scrap.

Jack: Hole in one!

Miko: Bullseye!

Raf: Awesome!

Agent Fowler: Nice steering Thomas!

Thomas: Thanks Uncle Will!  It's just like playing CoD!

Ratchet: Thomas.  This is a tactical device, not a toy!

Thomas: Don't worry Ratch, I know what I'm doing. 

The laptop was in Thomas's lap and soon the fighter jet flew to another set of targets; 3 remote-controlled Humvees.  The Humvees started moving and Thomas got to work, using the laptop, he moved the aiming receptacle on one of the Humvees and then said into the com-link "Fire!" making a missile come off of the jet's launch rails.  On the screen, the camera shifted to the seeker head in the missile, as the Humvee got closer, Thomas used the touchpad to steer the missile as it got closer and closer until...ZAP!  The picture went dead.  The camera changed back to the overhead view from the jet.  The first Humvee was gone, nothing but a small crater.  Thomas lined up the second Humvee and said "Fire!" again.  When the camera returned to the overhead view, the second Humvee was nothing but a charred skeleton.  Lining up the third and final Humvee, Thomas decided to toy with this last vehicle.

Thomas: Uncle Will, can you steer the last one to that bridge?

Agent Fowler: Let me see...

Agent Fowler used the remote-control system he had with him and started directing the Humvee towards a small wooden bridge over a shallow ditch, it was on the range to practice destroying bridges to stop or slow down enemy forces.  Thomas lined up the bridge and said "Fire!", he steered the missile towards the center of the bridge which was nothing but two thick wooden beams going across the 6-foot-deep ditch with 2 x 4s nailed into them to create a deck, but this bridge wasn't meant for crossing hence why it was built so simply.  The missile got closer and closer.  The Humvee was 40 yards from it when the screen went blank for the third time.  When the screen returned, the Humvee was flipped on its roof inside a crater where the bridge once was, around the crater, wooden splinters, some the size of a human forearm, were everywhere. 

Jack: Nice shot!  That bridge is matchwood!

 Miko: Now finish that Humvee off!

Before Thomas could do that, a voice came on the comm-link.  It was Gulfstream.

Gulfstream: Not so fast kids.  Agent Fowler, turn off the jammer, this one's mine!

Agent Fowler: I'm on it! (Pulls out a radio) Fowler to range team, turn off the jammer, I repeat; turn off the jammer.

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