No Endings End Well (PART 9)

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Okay so the progress with part 10 got deleted so I'm gonna write that again! (Should be done in about 2 days or less) Enjoy this one!! I'm glad you all liked the other ones! <3


Yam.Yam! Wake up! Yam?!" Milk kept on shaking Yam but he never awoke but he was crying- He was obviously dreaming- Yam awoke gasping with tears running down his face "Yam?! What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Milk said obviously concerned and cupped Yams face "Your eyes are all red...I don't think you're handling this break up very well..I think you need time to get over it before me and you can start dating.." Milk said in a painful tone "I-It's not Dark Choco that I'm crying about..I-It's...It's the fact that the scar is there..It haunts me Milk..It really does.." Yam said slowly "What do you mean by 'It haunts me'?" Milk asked "Well..It's something that sticks with me y'know..Like if you were being haunted you'd have a ghost or something with you until you find a way to get rid of it- Which most of the time you can't.." Yam explained "Oh..Like trama?" Milk asked and looked at Yam "Y-Yeah..I guess trama is the right word.." Yam said as he wiped tears off his face "Well..You did get stabbed but haven't you been stabbed like that before?" Milk asked "Uh..Well..Not exactly..I've been stabbed yes but..Not with the force he put into it...It still kinda hurts honestly..A-And I've never been like..Actually stabbed..Like stabbed stabbed I guess? Let's just say that I've never been stabbed the way he stabbed me..Especially not in the arm.." Yam said as more tears ran down his face.

"I've never seen any cookie cry this much..Besides Onion.." Milk thought to himself as he pulled Yam into a hug "Yam..Your eyes..Don't they burn..? More pain comes before than after..Being stabbed hurts more than crying doesn't it?" Milk asked "Y-Yes..But I-I..I can't stop crying..I feel l-like Onion Cookie..Always crying.." Yam said trying to calm himself down "Onion is a lot younger than you..She's expected to cry..And also she's dead so of course she would cry..But you don't cry all the time..I've never seen you cry for this long.." Milk said, starting to tear up a bit himself "I'm sorry I-I've been crying for so long...I'm sorry that I-I.." Yam began to say but was cut off by Milk "You don't have to say sorry for anything. I'm happy you're okay and I'm happy to be here with you." Milk said, pulling Yam into a hug ."Thank you.." Yam said as he hugged back.

Yam was able to finally sleep. He was feeling a lot better. Yam awoke next to Milk- Like usual- And noticed he was still asleep. Yam decided that he would cuddle for a bit with him instead of waking him up. Milk woke up a few minutes after Yam had "Oh? Usually I wake up before you." Milk said with a slight laugh "Yeah but I guess I beat you today,huh?" Yam said, putting his arms around Milk. Milk let out a sigh and closed his eyes "I don't want to do anything today..Let's just stay here." He said, putting his hand on Yams arm "Fine by me." Yam said as he closed his eyes as well when suddenly a knock came at the door "I'll get it." Milk said,getting up with a sigh.Milk Cookie opened the door and the Cookie that was there was none other than Dark Choco Cookie. But...Who was behind him..?


No Endings End Well - A Purple Yam x Milk Cookie Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now