Another Part

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As Madeline and Milk walked away into the forest Espresso stood there with his arms crossed ''You should probably come in. It's going to rain soon.'' Yam was about to speak when Espresso cut him off ''They'll be training inside.'' Espresso said and looked at the sky. Espresso grabbed Yams muscular arm and quickly rushed him inside. As soon as they got inside thunder clapped and rain began to pour from the sky. ''See. Rain.'' Espresso said and walked away. This was the first time in months Yam had been away from Milk so he had gotten used to Milks company. Yam was a bit uneasy about being separated from Milk ''So uhm.. When will they be back?'' Yam asked a bit nervously ''In 30 minutes’’ 'Espresso said as he came out of a room with a bunch of papers. Yam was silent.  “Care to…Assist me with a project?” Espresso asked painfully. Espresso was the type of cookie who worked solo and didn’t like help but when he needed it.. He scoffed at the thought. “Hmm. Well what kind of project is it?” Yam asked a bit curiously. "It's a simple coffee magic potion but I'm lacking an ingredient. Care to get it for me?" Espresso asked slightly relieved Yam would only be getting an ingredient and not helping with the actual project. "Isn't it still raining?"

Yam looked outside the window. It was still pouring. "Hmm. I suppose that is a bit of a problem. But you can go a few hours in the rain. It's down by Herb's plant shop." Espresso wrote down an ingredient on a post-it-note and handed it to Yam. "Oh and also, don't forget to get the one in the black bag. The brown one is absolute garbage."

Yam walked through the kingdom and spotted Herb's shop. Him and Sparkling were sitting and talking as usual. He walked up to Herb and gave him the post-it-note. Herb looked at it and frowned. "Please tell Espresso we ran out of the black bag." He handed the paper back to Yam. Yam decided to leave since there was no other choice. 

Yam walked through the kingdom. As he walked he was lost in thought. He was thinking about what happened with Dark Choco and Milk. He had no idea that any of this would happen and for some reason… He felt sad it all did. He missed just being friends with Milk. He missed Dark Choco. He wanted his past back. Yam touched the scar on his arm and sighed. Just then he over heard a discussion between Raspberry and Pastry cookie. "So what will we do about Dark Choco's disappearance? Yam must be devastated that he left in the middle of the night without him knowing…" Pastry said to Raspberry "I'm sure Yam will be fine. It's not like anyone was actually hurt during this whole leaving thing." Yam was astonished that nobody knew yet. Nobody saw anything? Heard? No? Yam touched the scar on his arm and got a bit mad that nobody knew the truth. Yam started walking towards Raspberry and Pastry ready to tell not only them but everyone the awful truth of what happened that night...

No Endings End Well - A Purple Yam x Milk Cookie Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora