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"That was an interesting chat." Milk said and got up from the couch "Where are you going?" Yam asked and uncrossed his arms "I'm gonna go for a walk- I should have asked you to join me haha." Milk said and held out his hand to Yam. Yam accepted his hand and got up as well.

"We seem to be going on a hell of a lot of walks.." Yam said as Cookies stared at him and Milk walking by "Ignore them." Milk said as he paused and hugged Yam around the waist "What the- Why by my waist?" Yam asked a bit flustered and put his hands on Milks wrists "I just thought it would make you a little more comfortable sorry." Milk said and pulled himself away. Cookies stared at the two "Why is everyone staring..?" Yam asked and looked around at everyone looking at the two. Milk sighed "I think...I think someone told them about what happened with you and Dark Choco.." Milk said.

Yam looked at the scar he had received from the sword Dark Choco stabbed him with. Milk touched it. "It's actually pretty cool you know- Makes you look like you participated in a war or something..I like it." Milk said and looked up at Yam with a smile "Could you...Hug me around the waist again..?" Yam said, a little embarrassed. Milk wrapped his arms around Yams waist. ''Of course I can..'' Milk said and got a little closer to Yams face and kissed him ''Ewww!'' Two children Cookies suddenly yelled together which made Milk pull away from Yam- It was Cherry and Pancake Cookie- ''You guys just do that in public? That's gross!'' Cherry Cookie yelled out ¨You won't think that when you're older.'' Yam said with a slight chuckle "I used to think the same thing- Until I met Yam which was...Hmm...We've known eachother since childhood but we were separated. But the day he walked in the kingdom- I never wanted to kiss him so badly-'' Milk said and looked up at Yam ''You guys are weird.. C'mon Pancake! Let's go!'' Cherry ordered and Pancake followed ''That little one sounds like a handful- Haha-'' Milk said before Yam kissed him ''C'mon- Let's go before more Cookies show up-'' Yam said and took Milk by the hand.

''Boredom is something I hate...'' Yam said with a sigh ''I hate it too..'' Milk said, still holding Yams hand ''Let's do nothing again.. It's the best thing to do anyways..'' Yam said. Milk looked at the floor ''I don't know about that..Wait- What day is it?'' Milk asked and looked up ''It's the 27th why?''Yam asked looking at Milk ''I have that thing to do with Madeleine remember? It's today-'' Milk said and headed for the door ''Can I come with you?'' Yam asked and grabbed Milk's hand before Milk opened the door ''I... I don't see why not- If Madeline says for you to leave you'll go though.'' Milk said and grabbed Yams hand ''Fine then.'' Yam said and walked out the door ''Hey! Wait up!'' Milk said and ran after Yam.

''Why are you walking so fast? And how do you know where I need to go-?'' Milk said and grabbed Yams hand in hopes of him slowing down ''I used to do this thing with Madeline...'' Yam said and trailed off. Yam stopped walking.''Uh? What's wrong?'' Milk asked when suddenly Yam lifted him up ''Gah! What are you doing?!'' Milk yelled in shock ''You were about to step on a Jellyworm hole..There's multiple here and who knows if there is any-'' Yam was stopped mid sentence by a Jellyworm bursting out of the ground. Yam set Milk on the ground and grabbed his mace off his back ''Just run!'' Yam yelled out to Milk. The Jellyworm was about to attack Yam when suddenly Milk got in front of Yam and used his shield to protect Yam ''We've fought Jellyworms before. And this is just one!'' Milk said and smiled at Yam. It took awhile but they fought off the Jellyworm.

''You're late..'' Madeline said but soon noticed the scratches on Milk and the bruises on Yams arms ''You two were..Fighting some kind of creature..Right?'' Madeline asked with the usual smirk on his face ''Of course we were- What else would we...Oh..Uhm..Yeah we weren't doing what you were thinking-'' Milk said turning red a bit and looked at Yam but quickly turned away ''I thought you were more mature than that Madeline..'' Yam said and crossed his arms in disappointment ''I am mature but I have a right to assume don't I?'' Madeline said and crossed his arms back- Mimicking Yam- Espresso emerged from a small bread cabin and closed the door behind him ''What's going on?'' Espresso Cookie questioned and turned to Madeline ''Me and Milk had something to do but he brought a friend along- Or boyfriend- I'm not sure but I apparently don't have a right to assume now.'' Madeline said and uncrossed his arms ''You're so childish Madeline. Assumptions are meant to be kept to yourself most of the time. Milk Cookie can bring along a friend if he'd like. And if you need just Milk for whatever you guys need to do Yam can stay with me for awhile. It's not the end of the world.'' Espresso said and pushed his glasses up with his middle finger- He looked directly at Madeline while he did this- ''And you're always so bland..'' Madeline said and smiled at Espresso.

No Endings End Well - A Purple Yam x Milk Cookie Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now