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Ryder's Pov


I leave today.

I tumble out of bed then work on putting myself as together and as comfortable as possible.

Of course, I have to go through my lists again.

I'm sure to have everything I need for my overnight/carry-on as well as enough to get me through a couple of weeks or until more of my stuff is sent to me.

Once everything is packed in the van, mom, dad, and I make our way to Starbucks.

I get a bagel and my usual coffee.

Then we head to the bus station.

Shortly after unloading and check-in, it's time to say goodbye.

"Please be careful. And if you need anything call me or something. Remember I love you, sis." Mom says as she hugs me

As she pulls away she hands me an envelope and gives me a look.

It's the 'don't argue with me look' and I have a pretty good idea of what's in the envelope.

"Be good kid. I love you." Dad says when it's his turn

After we exchange our goodbyes I take my suitcase, duffle bag, and carry-on and board the bus.

As hard as I try not to look out of the window I do.

I wave to my parents as we pull away from the station.

I can feel the tears form.

I'm beyond excited but incredibly nervous.

Lorelei was right though, I owe it to myself to try.

The next few hours consist of listening to music, scrolling through Tiktok, looking out the window, watching whatever they put on the screens above our heads, and the occasional bathroom break.

About 9 hours later we finally pull into the station.

I can feel the panic rise within me.


Once I'm able to I grab all of my things and exit the bus.


I can't believe I let him talk me into this.


After 10 minutes of walking through people, I finally reach the parking lot.

I begin scanning the parking lot.

Another 5 minutes and I finally spot him.

As I get closer to the car he exits.

He stands there in a snowsuit, beanie, and sunglasses.

When I finally get close enough he pulls me in for a quick hug.

He then takes my suitcase and my duffle bag and insists I get in the car.

Everything gets settled in the car and we're on our way.

"How was your ride here?" He asks

"It was okay. It's about half of a trip down to Florida."

"I'm sorry we didn't do the halfway thing. I thought we were going to but then you told me about how you were given the ticket all the way here. But the worst of the driving is over. Are you hungry?"

"Lorelei didn't even tell me she was doing any of this for me. She's also one to not argue with. I've not eaten since we stopped for lunch, so yes."

"Dinner should be ready when we get back. You didn't argue with someone helping? Shocking!"

Promise (JM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora