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Ryder's Pov

We had just gotten back to LA last night.

Of course, some fans were ready to greet the guys as soon as possible.

I go ahead and step out of the way to wait for them.

The time in Aspen was so much fun.

This morning I got a call about setting things up so I can have my own place.

Ky was right.

I do need my own space.

This is all pretty new and I need my own space to be my own person.

Not that I think I'd ever not be my own person.

I've been given a couple of options so far.

I can stay in the same complex or another one near here.

I've decided to get a tour of them and then choose.

They want me to get settled before I officially start with the team.

Tomorrow would start the tours of apartments.

After working my way through my nighttime routine I crawl into bed.

Sleep comes pretty quickly because it's been such a long day.


Ryder's Pov

Morning comes quicker than I'd hoped it would.

I need to work out a good routine for myself.

I carefully roll out of bed and shuffle to the kitchen where I start on coffee.

I even grab myself a bagel and a banana as well.

Once my coffee finishes I go ahead and brew some coffee for Jonah.

While that's brewing I sit down and enjoy my coffee and breakfast.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that this is my life.

I'm just a little bit nervous about touring some places today.

I'm kind of nervous about being alone.

It'll all work out.

This will be good for me.

Suddenly I hear feet shuffling across the floor.

"Mornin'" I beam

"You made me a coffee?" He asks as he shuffles over to it

His voice has the rasp he gets when he's sleepy or just woken up.

"Mhm," I confirm

"You're such an angel." He smiles after taking a sip from his mug

"I'd like to think I'm pretty okay." I laugh

This earns me a headshake.

"So what's the plan for today?" He questions

"Well, I get to tour some places today. I'm not sure how long that'll be, but shouldn't be too long in theory. Other than that, I don't think I've got anything else planned. You?"

"I think it's studio day. Do you have an idea of where you're hoping to stay?"

He grabs his phone and swipes around before confirming that it is in fact studio day.

"Studio days are fun though. Or can be. I'm not entirely sure. I don't want to be too far from everything, but other than that I don't really have any preferences."

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