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Day of summer show

Ryder could hardly sleep the night before.

Today was the day!

She quickly got ready for the day.

The fit included a pair of jeans, comfy shoes, and the mandatory station shirt, as well as her lanyard.

After grabbing her portable charges as well as a spare cord and a few other essentials she shoved it all into her bag.

And then she made sure to triple-check everything.

Once she had convinced herself she had things all together she hurried out to her car.

Off to the venue this morning.

She had been instructed to head there instead of the station.

Once arriving she grabbed her bag and headed into the building and to the spot she was instructed to meet at.

It was expected for today to be crazy, to say the least.

Soon enough more of the crew got there.

They were all checked in and made sure they had the proper things.

The security of the venue would receive a list or some sort of thing with their names.

If they didn't have one of the shirts the station was wearing or a lanyard they were instructed to not allow them in certain areas.

Everyone had been split up into teams and given their assignments.

Ryder had somehow made it to promotions surprisingly quickly.

She wasn't in charge, there was a shortage of people in promo and she just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

She would be helping with posting updates and other pictures to social media, as well as helping, make sure the artists had what they needed.

And before the show started she'd also be helping with meet and greets.

­­It was now about an hour until artists were set to start showing up.

They were all informed they could arrive earlier.

They all were sent on their way.

"Ry can I talk with you for a second?" Liz asked

"Yeah, what's up?" She questioned

"So I might actually have you stick with an artist. You'll still be doing socials tonight but instead of running around to all the artists, it'll be one of them. And you'll also still help with meet and greets. Is that all okay?" Liz explained

"Yeah, totally. Which one am I sticking with?" Ryder asked

"I was thinking that you'd be sticking with Why Don't We. We've had them here a few times and they're not too bad to deal with." Liz said

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll look out for them to get here but keep up with everything." Ryder promised

"Okay great! You're the best!" Liz exclaimed

Ryder got to work helping set up things.

She set up signs and tape backstage.

Once she was done with her set up she went around offering help to the others.

A few people allowed her to help.

Once she was finished helping others she sat around and waited for the next thing.

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