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"Mom! Ryder being mean to me!" Westly whined

"Get out of my room Westly!" The girl shouted

"Will you two knock it off?!" Their mother called out

"But mom, Ryder started it." Westly whined

"I don't care who started it. I've had a long day and I'm not going to deal with any of it." Their mother insisted

Ryder carefully shut her door before locking it.

The reality of it is Ryder had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.

It wasn't until recently she finally had an idea.

Music had been such a big part of her life, and she loved going to concerts.

She knew that she wanted to be somewhere in the music industry.

When she told her parents they thought she may as well have told them she didn't want a job and she wouldn't ever be moving out.

"It doesn't pay the bills"

She didn't care though.

She knew that if this was going to be something she really loved, she was going to have to try.

And if she got in with the right people she knew she'd be fine.

Ryder had been bouncing around working at a few fast food places.

That was until she finally got a call for an interview with her local radio station and absolutely NAILED it.

She was set to start her paid internship tomorrow.

She couldn't wait to be able to come home and not reek of food and B.O.

Either way, she couldn't wait to start this new chapter.

She decided to head to her closet and sort her outfit for tomorrow.

She settled on a band tee, a pair of nice jeans, and a comfy pair of shoes.

Once everything was sorted Ry decided it might be more helpful to shower tonight.

Even though being at the house sucked sometimes she was pretty grateful to have her own bathroom.

Thankfully everyone else pretty much stayed on the other side of the house.

Ryder really wasn't sure how she got lucky in that sense.

After starting her playlist she stepped under the hot water.

Hot showers really did hit different at the end of the day.

First, she grabbed her shampoo and she worked it through her red hair.

After a couple of rinses she did the same with her conditioner.

Once her hair was done she grabbed her cucumber body wash and lathered her body.

Cucumber was the superior scent for body wash in her opinion.

Now for another rinse.

She even made sure to shave.

She stood under the faucet for a couple of minutes allowing the hot water to roll down her back.

After she was finished with her shower she stepped out wrapping her hair and body in towels.

She made her way over to the sink to do her skincare routine.

For her, this was to wash her face and moisturize it.

She didn't understand any of the fancy stuff and this worked for her just fine.

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