Chapter 1

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Your name is Nepeta Leijon. You watched your moirail die right in front of your eyes. You escaped, and now your trapped on a meteor with both friends and foes.

What will you do?

Nepeta POV (1st Person)

My name is Nepeta Leijon, and I am scared out of my mind. All my life both my lusus and my moirail have told me to be strong, but how is that possible when they're both gone?

At the moment Sollux is laying on the floor dead, covered in blood, yet he is also pretty much floating in space right in front of me.

Terezi and Karkat have the same stoic face put on as they stare at our new company, the humans, Dave and Rose.

Of course I have been very excited to meet these humans, especially Rose, maybe there's a chance that all Jaspers said about her was true! I'm sure she's just as kind as he said.

Along with the humans is Aradia. We all thought she was dead when she exploded in the lab , but yet, here she is I guess. Not that I'm sad that she's back or anything, its just she really was no fun after she died.. hopefully she's back to her old happy self.

Finally, the main thing I'm worried about, Gamzee Makara. He's nearly 5 feet away from me. Less than a few hours ago he caused me the most pain I have ever felt in my life. Sure, Karkat may have shoosh papped him to be less insane, but that is NOT going to help me accept the fact that he killed Equius.

Not one bit.

It was hard escaping his grasp. Though it happened a few hours ago, the memory is stuck in my head like glue. The blue running down Equius's neck and the smile on his face when he looked up and saw me. I felt my heart breaking in two.

It was hard escaping him. Visions haunt me of what would have happened if I wasn't able to escape. What would he have done to me? Would he have beat me and cut off my head like he did with the rest?

I know they say not to live in the past, but it seems impossible right about now. I've been so lost in thought, I haven't even been paying attention to what's going on. It seems kind of important, so I should probably start listening in.

"See Sollux, I told you your body would be here! Maybe when its all said and done, we could have one of those corpse parties I talked about!", Aradia squealed.

Well there's one thing to look forward to, she definitely is her happy self again! Even if it is about a creepy subject.. at least I have something to look forward to.. right?

(Time skip about 20 minutes)

Now that everyone has finished talking, were all kind of splitting up to just.. go and do our own thing I guess.

The main gist of what happened was Aradia and Sollux are going to stay behind in the dream bubbles, so I guess I really didnt have anything to look forward to.

Kanaya was originally going to stay behind, buy we convinced her otherwise... and by we I mean Rose. I just knew they were going to get along when they met!

Rose explained some things about the new alpha timeline were heading to, I understood some things, but maybe I could ask her about it later.

As for the rest of us, I guess were just going to have to have some time on our own to accept the deaths that have happened. I know Terezi is hurting pretty bad knowing what she did to Vriska. Karkat must still be traumatized from watching Eridan kill Feferi and Kanaya and injure sollux right in front of him. But out of everything thats happened,

I doubt that anyone is hurting as bad as me.

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