Chapter 10

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Nepeta's POV (1st person)

Sweet dreams followed me that night. I dreamt of Alternia. I dreamt of the joyful laughs from our deceased friends.

I dreamt of the Land of Little Cubes and Tea where I tacklepounced Equius to the ground.

I dreamt of the horn pile in the computer room that me and Feferi would take turns jumping into to scare Gamzee.

I dreamt of RPing with Vriska, even with how cruel her characters could be, she was still loads of fun.

I dreamt of Tavros's happiness when he finally got his robot legs, and how he would always bring up his silly cat allergies whenever we talked.

I dreamt of my old cave where I decorated my walls full of extravigant paintings with the blood of my prey.

That night I dreamt of home. The place where I was happiest.

But then I woke up.

All the bliss drained out of me. It all felt so real.. I thought I was really back. I thought everything was normal again.

It takes me a couple minutes to snap back into reality and adapt to my actual surroundings. I can see the lights have been turned on and Terezi, Rose, and Kanaya are all gone, leaving Dave and the mayor still fast asleep on the floor.

I'm not sleeping with a blanket or anything, but I'm actually feeling so warm and cozy, like the way you feel when you lay down in a blanket fresh out of the liquid cycle mechanism. Or what was it the humans called it? A washing machine? Close enough.


Wait wait waaaaaait

Karkat has his arm around me.

Ok so I'm like trying to hold in my squeals? But I don't even like him anymore so like. It's easy to. Not squeal. Haha.

But he's obviously sound asleep next to me, but he's so warm and so soft that I could probably just fall back as-


Right. Of course. Thanks stomach, right on queue.

So not only does that mean that I have to get up and go find food, it also woke Karkat up who is obviously bewildered to the fact that he had his arm around me. Great. You know what I'm just gonna get up and find the others.

As I'm walking away I can feel my face getting warmer. Did that seriously just happen?

Karkat's POV (1st person)

I usually don't remember my dreams, and when I do, they're filled with annoying nightmares. Like this one time I dreamt of falling into lava and burning up. I know, ridiculous. Where does my think pan even get this stuff from?

But anyways, these dreams were different. I dreamt of crabdad taking care of me before I was an asshat and downloaded Sollux's virus.

I dreamt of the Land of Pulse and Haze, where I met Jack and realized my blood wasn't really all that different.

I dreamt of the fun times I had with the fuckers I called friends. 

I deamt of Feferi jumping on my back and made vroom noises while calling me "Car-kat", which was some term she learned from the humans.

I dreamt of Gamzee when he was normal and we still looked out for each other.

I even dreamt of Nepeta trying to get me to roleplay with her. Sometimes it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be.

I was dreaming so happily, and it was probably the happiest I had been in a very long time. And then I heard this weird sound from out of nowhere.


And my eyes flash open to see Nepeta laying next to me with my arm around her.. OH SHIT.

So she starts to get up before I can even pull my arm away, and the next time I blink she's left the room. I look around and see that the only left in the room besides me is Dave, and you can tell that he's staring at me behind those shades.

"Nice one dude!" He says, and you can practically hear the struggle he's having to hold back laughter.

"Cram it Strider." I say, and I just kind of lay back down on the floor and start to think about what just happened when I feel my face get really warm.

"Oh my god Karkat, don't tell me you're actually into that cat girl."

....... oh SHIT


Ayyy so I'm so super sorry that i haven't been updating guys! 

School has been hectic but I've caught up on a lot of things so now I have time to write again. 

You can look forward to new chapters very soon! <3

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