Chapter 16

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Nepeta's POV (1st person)

I woke up an hour later on the same floor to find that Karkat had left me. Looking around the room once again, I see Terezi has left too, along with Kanaya. Rose is laying where she was sleeping and looking up at the ceiling and Dave is switching through the songs on the stereo.

I started to get up and Rose looked over at me. "Look who's finally up." She said and started to stand up too.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks and walks over to me. I nod my head and she looks at me. "What.. What do you do when you feel like you love someone, but you don't know if they feel the same?"

I paused for a second and then said "I've been asking myself that question for a long time, Rose. I wish I knew." I said. I frowned. "Do you know where the others are by any chance?"

"I believe Kanaya and Karkat are off together. Terezi is just doing her same old disappearing act she's been doing for the past few days."


"Yeah, she's pretty quick about it too. She's there one second and the next she's off somewhere else. Everybody needs their alone time though right? She'll be back after about an hour."

"Oh." I say. I don't exactly think there's anything else to say so I smile and walk over to Casa De LaStride and find the area where I threw my hat and coat last night. I decided to leave my coat and just wear my hat because I can feel that my hair is a complete mess right now.

Everything and nothing are going through my head at the same time and it's just really confusing and makes what's left of my headache a little worse. I don't really think I should stay because Karkat and Kanaya are laying on the couch and I don't want to wake them up so I just start to head back through the corridors. Maybe I can help bring Dave's DJ equipment back into Casa De LaStride.

I'm like halfway to the part room. It doesn't take that long to get back once you memorize the passages and what path leads to what area. Maybe 5 minutes or so? Well I'm about 2 minutes in to the walk,

But then I feel something tap my shoulder.

I jumped and froze and turned around all at the same time only to see that

 it was just Karkat.

"Gog damn Karkat you scared the crap out of me." I say with my heart racing. I'm glad it was Karkat and not.. never mind.

"Fuck. Sorry. I just need your help."

"...with what?" I ask skeptically.

"Well okay so you see Kanaya is in there on the couch moping around and practically drowning in her sorrows of how much she loves Rose and wallowing in the thought that Rose will never love her back."

"Wow. I've never heard of Kanaya being in such a bad state of mind."

"Okay. Maybe I exaggerated a little fucking bit but that's not the fucking point. Point is I don't exactly enjoy being her sad and I am gonna fucking do something about it."

"Aww! So Karkat has emotions that don't relate to hatred and anger? I have to say I'm pretty surprised!"

"Shut the fuck up."

I laughed. "Soooo... where do I come in with this?"

"Well you're like.. into shipping and all that stupid bullshit and you match people up pretty fucking well so I just thought that since you had experience with this stuff that you could whip something together to get them with each other so they stop being fucking dumb and heart wrenchingly eyeball burningly adorable. Not that I'm not already an expert at those things, I just think I could use some help."

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