Chapter 4

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Karkat's POV (1st person)

Eventually I drifted away from our obnoxious crowd of friends. I guess in a few days everyone on the meteor will get off their tight asses and socialize, but until then, we're on our own.

I can't think of anyone on this ship I can actually trust. Honestly, the world couldn't have put me with a bigger group of losers. Thanks a lot universe!

I know this meteor pretty well, considering I was the leader. It was obviously part of my job to know our wearabouts in case anyone got.. uh.. lost or something. Don't even call it bullshit because it sort of did happen a few times.

One of the things I learned about this place is that there are rooms with recuperacoons hidden everywhere. You just have to know where to look.

If we are going to stay on this meteor for such a long time, there's no way in hell I am sleeping on this filthy floor.

So I'm walking through this dusty corridor when I see someone in the distance. I really am not in the mood for socializing but just in case I his behind a corner to figure out who it was.


Great. It's Terezi. Definitely going the other way.

A lot has gone down on Alternia with this fucking Sgrub bullshit, and one of those many things was the rollercoaster of a fucked up relationship I had with Terezi.

Its not like a really fun roller coaster though. Its more like the one where you're constantly going uphill for maybe hours on end and then all the sudden you're plummiting into the deep depths of hell. But that's not all, it just so happens that the fucker sitting behind you is squemish as shit so he is continuously spewing down your back the whole way down into eternity.

Let me tell you there have been absolutely no ups as of now. Just continuously dropping deeper and deeper and deeper and-

... anyways

Well now that that shit storm's over, I just have to try to sneak past her.


Okay it worked. Awkward situation avoided, fuckers.

After a few more turns I made it to one of the rooms.

Each room I have come across are relatively the same. Cracks in the walls, a recuperacoon sitting its snug ass in the corner, and the rooms themselves aren't all that big either.

So since I refuse to spend all this time with a dirty disgusting room so I'll have to do some cleaning up. Paint the walls, hang shit ep everywhere, furnish some fucking chairs. I don't know.

That'll at least keep me occupied for a little while. Maybe afterwards everyone can get together and we can talk about everything that's happened. I know that I absolutely have a ton on my mind, but I don't think anyone would listen to a bratty little troll.

Going through the list of people in my head, here's who we have.

Gamzee, my ex moirail who is unpredictable and untrustable. I'm pretty sure nobody even knows where he is.

Terezi, my... ex matesprit? It's complicated. Don't want to talk about it.

Nepeta, had a huge fucking crush on me back on Alternia but who knows if that is still standing. I think she has a lot more on her mind right now than me.

Kanaya, who's been there for me since as long as I can remember. Probably the only damn one I can trust.

Dave, douchebag.

Rose, douchebag's sister.

...and I'm supposed to spend 3 years with these assholes?

3 years.

Holy fucking shit.

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