Chapter 5

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Nepeta's POV (1st person)

While we are on the meteor, we obviously have no concept of time, so I have no clue how long we have been hurtling through this vast nothingness. That's kind of terrifying.

My guess would be that it has been at least a few days. Let's go with 3. Hopefully that is somewhat correct because if we can't figure out any concept of time whatsoever, then how are we ever going to be prepared for landing? I mean already there are people up and walking at different times. That means there is no concept of night and day, this whole trip could be madness.

Well, okay maybe I'm overreacting a little, considering our landing won't even happen for like.. uh.. forever!

Well at least that's what it feels like.

Anyways, in these possible 3 or so days that have gone by, I have managed quite a lot. If you can find the right places to look, this meteor is a gold mine!

I went searching through so many places and I've found tons of interesting things. I've managed to start up some work on my room, and also my shipping wall!

It's not like I have many colors to work with though, or people for that matter, but I'll take what I can get.

Staring at my unfinished wall gives me some mixed emotions. On one hand, there's so many dead friends that have caused lots of bumps in, well, everything! I'm just hoping that all of my great furends are doing great in the dream bubbles, no matter if they want a relationship or not.

Although, I do wish they were all still alive... well except for ampora. I never trusted that sneeky little fish.

On the other hand, I'm happy to create new ships. Some of my old ones are even coming true! On my wall I can happily say that Dave and Terezi are circled and canon in a loving and adorable matespritship! Can somebody say OTP? I think yes!

...I guess I've gotten over my old otp. Its about time that I realized me and karkitty.. er.. karkat.. just won't ever work out. I've even come to accept the fact. There's so much more things I could spend my time towards other than having a crush on somes silly old grumpy smelly rude pawsitively most adorable troll i've ever laid my eyes o-


Eventually I will go out and talk to everyone. We're supposed to be passing through dream bubbles at some point so I think it would be wonderful to come up during those times.

Just think of the posibilities! Having a chance to talk to a dead friend, even if its only for a few minutes, seems like an amazing oppurotunity.

I could catch up with Feferi on everything that's going on in the afterlife. We always did have a strong friendship, or "frondship" as she would say!

Or maybe I'll even get the chance to tell off that awful, awwwwful, ampora. Ohh how I would love to give him a piece of my mind.

Of course he isn't the person I hate most, oh no, the person who takes the cake for that position is Gamzee. Words can't even explain the pain.

Perhaps one day I will get my revenge. I am the mighty huntress, after all..

Oh no no no. No matter how much I hate him I don't ever think I could bring myself to kill him. I don't think anyone even knows where he is!

Well. Maybe. I don't know.

I'll just hope I don't run into him anytime soon.

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