Chapter 9

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Karkat's POV (1st person)

Everyone is currently passed out on the floor from exhaustion, but I'm pretty sure I've been going to sleep at a different time than these guys because I just can't sleep. There's literally no concept of time on this floating shitrock. I thought everybody just fell asleep when they felt like it.

Guess not.

I'm leaned against one of the walls about 3 feet away from the nearest sleeping person. That person happens to be Rose. They're all kind of sleeping in a really scrunched together pile though. You've got Rose with Kanaya's arm wrapped around her, Nepeta and Terezi sleeping back to back, and Dave and the Mayor kind of off to the side.. What a bunch of fucking weebs.

Sitting here in the darkness is kind of unsettling. All I'm left with are my thoughts, and we know how dark those can get sometimes.

One of the main thoughts that stick in my head is back when Eridan murdered Feferi and Kanaya right in front of me. I always felt bad for the guy, but after that shit show, there's no way. I was never more scared in my life. Feferi did not deserve scum like him. At least Sollux was around for her last moments to make her happy before being blasted through the fucking chest.

Don't get me wrong, Kanaya didn't deserve it either, but at least she came back as a rainbow drinker with a sick-ass hole in her chest.

Out of that whole catastrophe, the worst part was their screams. If sollux could have just.. overpowered Eridan's wand they could all... all...

I touch my finger to my cheek and feel wetness. Fuck. I started crying didn't I. Luckily I didn't wake anyone up so I don't have to be teased or anything.

Trying to change my train of thought to something else is kind of difficult, so I just sit there, looking up at the cieling. How fast could we possibly be going? Just.. endlessly hurtling through space.

When is the next dream bubble?

What if we never actually make it to the next session?

What if we never see Sollux or Aradia again?

All of these questions keep pouring through my head, but I know one thing's for sure. I can't stay here for much longer.

Nepeta's POV (1st person)

Ughhhhhh I can't sleep.

I'm laying back to back with Terezi, who's been passed out for the past hour, why am I wide awake? Why can't I sleep? Just let me sleep. Please.

Sigh, whatever, there's no use in just laying here if I know i'm just gonna keep fidgiting around here on the ground.

I get up and skirt around the mass pile of people sprawled out across the floor. Oh my gog look at that! Kanaya has her arm wrapped around Rose. That's just too precious.

Successfully getting past everyone without stepping on any limbs, I realize that I can barely see anything. This place is almost pitch black with the lights off, but I can kind of see a wall a wall like 5 feet away from me.

Once I walk over to the wall I see a dark silhouette sitting on the ground just a little bit away from Rose. I recognize the horns and I'm happy to see that its Karkat! Thank gog, I thought it was Gamzee for a second.

Should I talk to him?

I take a seat next to him and he seems really spaced out. I can see a tear drop under his one eye.. has he been crying?

"Hey," I whisper to him. He seemed a little startled at my presence, so he must have been really deep in though.

"Jegus fuck Nepeta. I know you're used to hunting prey and stuff, but would you mind not sneaking up on me like that?" Karkat whispers in like a slightly harsh tone. Woah okay calm down there Mr. Grumpy Pants.

"Haha, sorry. You can't sleep either?" I whisper back.

"Yeah. I think I've been on a different sleeping schedule than them." he pauses to point over at the pile of sleepers. "I wish I was asleep like they were. I've been staring at this ugly darkness for like a fucking eternity."

"Mhm, I feel you. I always have the thoughts of what happened to all our other furrends stuck in my mind like glue. Keeps me awake when I don't exactly want to be awake. I just gotta deal with it."

"Exactly. It all happened so fast. So many people didn't deserve it too. Tavros, Feferi, Equius..." Hearing him say Equius's name almost makes me want to bawl my eyes out, and I hear a sniffle, but it wasn't from me.

I look over at Karkat and see he has his head rested on his knees and his arms hanging at his sides. I hear another sniffle out of him after a couple seconds and.. I don't know what to do.

I place my hand on his back and whisper "Shh, It's okay Karkat. It will all be okay. We'll be okay." I don't think the words I speak aren't true, but it's always nice to have something to believe in.

He stops sniffling after a while but he's still sitting in the same position completely silent, so I decide to break the silence.

"Hey, let's get our minds off things, okay? We can play 20 questions?" I whisper to him. He nods and raises his head.

"You start." He says.

"Okay! Hmm, if you could be any kind of beastfiend, what would you be?" I ask.

"Well, definitely not a hoofbeast. So probably a crab. Like crabdad was. Umm, what's your biggest ship"

"Defurnitely Rose and Kanaya. Look at them being all purrecious over there oh my gog." I point over to Kanaya and look at Karkat to see him smiling a little bit. Looks like this is really cheering him up.

"What's your favorite color, Karkat?"

"Uh, probably blue. Red's been ruined for me since I've been a mutant and all." He pauses and yawns.

"Are you tired?" I ask him, and apparently he's a contagious motherfurricker because I just caught myself yawning too.

"Yeah. We can continue this another time if you want, Nep."

"Sure! Come on, let's go lay down."

I grab his hand and walk over to the spot where I was laying down with Terezi and lay down, that's when I realized that I just got Karkat to sleep next to me.

Oh my god. What's wrong with me. He probably thinks I just dragged him over here. He probably thinks I'm st-


Okay or maybe he's not even thinking at all. Good.

Well, maybe after tonight I can build up a friendship with him. It was nice being able to talk to him. Kind of like old times.

For now I can drift into sleep with only happy thoughts in my head.

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