Chapter 14

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Nepeta's POV (1st person)

I'd say it's been a week since I've seen Equius. The ship hasn't passed through any dream bubbles since then, but sometimes we'll come so close to one that we'll graze past it. Wherever he is, I hope he's having fun up there. I don't really think anything has changed with regards to my current state. Still kinda lonely.

Kanaya and them sort of noticed that I have been a lot more mopey lately, so they thought it would be an great idea to throw a party and invite everyone. Well, everyone but Gamzee that is. Thank gog for that.

They said it won't be a slumber party like we had last time. This time it's supposed to be like one of those rave parties we used to have on Alternia. I only went to a few of them but they were always pretty fun.

Kanaya told me to be at Casa De LaStride in 3 hours. Oh, did I mention that Terezi and Dave finally worked out a method of time? They got Rose to conjure up some watches with her alchemy stuff and now we all use them. The only downfall is that it goes by human time. Strange, we have the exact same names for time like seconds, minutes, hours, and stuff, but everything adds up so much faster in human time. It'll take a little to get used to.

Anyways, Kanaya told me that 3 hours ago, so I'm on my way over now to see how everyone's doing. When I walk in the room I see Kanaya and Terezi watching Rose do all of her Alchemy tricks while Dave and Karkat are sitting and chatting away on that super soft couch. I decided to walk over and see what the commotion around Rose is about.

"Hey guys!"  I said and stood next to Terezi. They all greeted me back and Terezi threw her arm around me.

"Hey Neps! Rose is making some of her human alcohol for the party." She tells me.

"Oh, cool. That's the stuff that makes your brain go fuzzy right? In like a good way?"

"You got it." Said Rose. She looks really concentrated in whatever she's doing. She's got a test tube full of red stuff in one hand and is pouring some yellow powder into it, and then viola! This mysterious human alcohol.

She pours it into a bottle that looks similar to the ones that are scattered all across the room. They're tall, green, and there's maybe 10 or so already made.

"Okay," says Rose, "I think that might be enough for now. If we need more later on I will definitely conjure it up. In the mean time, would you all be ever so kind as to help me carry these out into the party room?"

So I grab a bottle for each hand and walk in the direction that Rose is leading. Eventually we go into the room where we had our last party, except everything is a little different. There's a table on the side that everyone is setting the drinks on, there's a DJ stand where I'm guessing the music is going to be played, and some inactivated lights up on the ceiling. Everything else is pretty much the same.

"Wow, did you guys really set this all up?" I ask in astonishment.

"Well, Dave and Rose did most of the work, since they can fly in their godtiers, but yes. We did really set this all up." Says Kanaya who is obviously pleased that I like the decorations.

Laid out on the table is chip bowls, punch bowls and a few bowls of this orange stuff that Terezi said is called Cheeto Puffs. There's also a pack of these clear sticks with liquid inside of them.

"Hey, Nepeta" says Rose "why don't you go grab Karkat and Dave while we all start to crack these glowsticks?"

I nod my head and run back to the other room where we left them at.

"Dave, Karkat! I was told to tell you guys to come over to the party room!!"

They both looked up from their conversation and started to get up and follow me. I assumed they knew where to go, so I walked back through the corridors with them both trailing close behind me. When I was about halfway back to the room, I heard the familiar sound of the dream bubbles ring through the ships.

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