Chapter 8

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Karkat's POV (1st person)

Well, I'm sitting on the floor after being dragged into a game of truth or dare. How typical.

Back on Alternia we all used to play this game a lot, pretty much every time a group of us had some downtime from trolling the humans.

Apparently the game actually originated from the humans. Feferi was the one to find out about it from Jade and she quickly glubbed it to all of us and soon enough we were all sitting in circles asking stupid questions to each other.

I usually got dragged into a game through a mass of glubbing and fish puns and before I knew it I was bring dared to go hop on Gamzee's back or some dumb shit like that. I have to say though it was a really entertaining way to pass the time.

Usually the people who didn't play were the ones who received the aftermath of the dares. That usually included Eridan, Equius, Aradiabot, Gamzee, and Kanaya. The games were hosted by Feferi, Vriska, and Terezi and everyone usually had a good time. Sometimes the dares could go too far but Fef always kept things in order.

But Fef isn't here.

Who knows how this train wreck could go?

"So, who wants yo go first?" Terezi asks. After a couple seconds of silence she says "No takers? Fine. Then I guess I'm up! Nepeta, truth or dare?"

Everyone turns to look at Nepeta, kind of the same way we all did when she walked through the door.

"Umm, dare!" She says kind of timidly.

"Hmm, alright. I dare you to take off one item of clothing."

"Oh that's easy!" Says Nepeta as she reaches down and takes off her shoes, leaving her with her feet only covored by green socks covered in paw prints. Then she crosses her legs and scans the crowd so see who she will ask next.

"Okay, since that was so simple, Kanaya! Truth or dare?" She asks.

"Oh, I pick truth." Says Kanaya with a smile. I mean I guess that was kind of expected after what happened last time she played and picked dare... but we won't dwell on that.

"Ooooh, so out of all the blood you've tasted, which one is your favorite?" She asks. You can kinda see that everyone is pretty interested since Kanaya turned into one of those pale blood drinking shit monsters.

"Well," she says "although Terezi and Sollux were both very appetizing," she paused to look over and give a smirk to an already smiling Terezi, "I'd have to say that the violet highblood had the, um, sweetest taste. It could also have to do with the taste of victory after I.. never mind I'm getting carried away! Karkat, truth or dare?"

And of course with that, the spotlight of fuckery and dispair was shone right on me. I knew I was going to be picked at some point. At least the dares haven't been too wild.

"...truth." I say, giving her a slight glare. Then I see her eyes light up. Oh fuck-

"Truth? Okay! Have you ever had a flushed crush on anyone in this room?" She asks. Of course. Of fucking course.

Well I guess I have to tell the truth, don't I?

I try my best not to make any eye contact with Terezi, so I look down at the ground and mutter "Yes" as quietly as possible.

Nepeta's POV (1st person)

I feel something give me a slight jab in my side and I look to see Terezi give me her signature smirk face and whisper "Oooooh!" to me as quietly as possible.

"Shhhhh!!" I said to her. Terezi has known about my crush on Karkat for as long as I can remember. Honestly she was probably the first person I told! She's kept it a secret for a super long time and I trust her, but sadly Kakat kinda caught on on his own.

"Furezi you know that's all for mew!" I whisper back at the same level she did. Another thing I know for sure is that Karkat has had a thing for Terezi for a while, but there is no way I would let that get between our friendship. Besides, she's told me everything about their ups and downs and how they were almost a thing and then they fell out, blah blah blah and so on. All in all she isn't interested anymore. Or at least I don't think so. Really, I think it's the last thing on her mind.

"Okay so I have to ask some nooksucker now? Great." Karkat grumbled as he looked around the room. "Rose, truth or dare?" He said with a smile. It's kind of obvious he wants get back at Kanaya for what she asked him.

"Dare." She said. You could practically hear the smirk in her words.

"I dare you to.. switch clothes with Kanaya."

Right when Karkat said that, Kanaya's face blushed jade green. Oh goshhhh I ship it!

I look over at Karkat who's smiling as Rose takes Kanaya's hand and pulls her into the other room. Once they leave the room he looked around at the people sitting in the circle and of course made awkward eye contact with me. Oh shi-.. shoot. Please don't think I was staring.

I smiled and did that hand wavey thing I did when I first got here and he smiled back and looked away as Rose and Kanaya walked back into the room. I have to say they look HILARIOUS!

Everyone cheered as Rose did ironic model poses in Kanaya's clothes. The skirt was so long it touched the ground but the sleeves fit fine.

"Twirl for us!!" I yelled out to Rose, laughing. She did it too! Oh my gooooog this is amazing.

"Come on Kanaya, you have to pose with me!" Rose said while jabbing Kanaya in he side with her elbow. Kanaya was in Rose's orange god tier and it was so short on her! The tights were obviously too tight but other than that she seemed fine. They both stood there posing for a few more minutes before they both sat down.

Rose immediately knew who she was gonna ask, so she turned to Dave and got super close to his face. "Truth or dare, Davey?" She said, obviously trying to annoy him.

"Dare. And stop calling me 'Davey', Rosey." He said.

"Not a chance Davey!" She counterparted. "Also, I dare you to kiss one person in this room." She said, and leaned back to give him his space.

"Simple." Dave say, as he leaned down to the mayor and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The mayor looked surprised so suprised, he's so adorable! Everyone loves the mayor. Everyone.

The truths and dares went on for a while. After a bunch of rounds I had to take off my shoes, lick the floor, dance in the middle of the circle, and answer what color I would dye my hair. I said green, I think it would match my completion! Whatever that means.

The highlights were definitely Terezi having to eat 10 crackers without any water, Dave having to give Karkat a piggy back ride, and Rose having to sit on Kanaya's lap for the rest of the game! I'm so glad I came out with everyone to play. It really got my mind off things.

Everyone stopped when we started feeling super tired, and then Rose brought up the idea of us all having a slumber party. In other words we could all sleep on the floor together. I'm down for it! It's a good thing the floor is a soft carpet.

Tonight has definitely been the best night I've had in a long long time.

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