Chapter 11

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Nepeta's POV (1st person)

I started to walk through the hallways just outside of the main room when I heard a giggle from behind me.

"Oh my gosh girl!" The all familiar voice says from behind me as she grabs my shoulder. "What did I say? Hmm? I told you that what he said during truth or dare was all for you!"

"Oh lay off Furezi!" I said in a jokingly harsh tone. I can feel my face getting even warmer than before. "Just.. wow that had to be one of the most awkward things I've had happen to me in a while."

Terezi then started to cackle in her classic laugh and tells me "Don't worry about it Neperz, now come on, I'll take you to get some grub. Your stomach is so loud I bet you Aradia and Sollux can hear it."

She grabs my hand again and takes me over to another room that I haven't seen before. There's recording equipment scattered all over the place on one side of the room, along with a stereo and some headphones. On the other side is an organized mess of alchemy tools and an endless amount of book stacks. Along with that, there's a weird machine that apparently makes what the humans call "coffee". Weird. I thought it was a washing machine.

"So this, dear Nepperz, is Casa De Lastride. With a side of Maryam and Pyrope. And now we have a sprinkle of Leijon." says Terezi.

She pulls me over to Rose who's working on all of her strange alchemy equipment.

"So Mrs. Lavender Lilacs!" Says Terezi "Would you mind taking a little time out of whatever you're doing to whip up a bag of chips for Nepeta?"

"Uhh Furezi.. what the hell are chips?"

"Shh Neperz, you'll see soon enough."

In the time Terezi takes to respond, somehow Rose has already conjured up a weird plastic bag and hands it to me.

"Oh, I've had these before. These are called Grips back on Alternia. But I've never heard of.. uh.. 'Bar-bah-cue'."

"Well, Nepeta," says Rose "'Barbecue', a word originating from the Arawak, is a highly seasoned sauce containing vinegar, spices, and sometimes chillies"

"Oh my gog. You're like a walking dictionary." I tell her.

"Let's just say I read a lot." Rose says with a wink and then immediately goes back to her original alchemy work.

"So Roooose!" Says Terezi. "What even are you trying to make with all of this stuff.

"I am in fact attempting to make an alcohol. Preferably in the form of wine, but I suppose I will take what I can get."

"What's wine?" I ask Rose, knowing she's going to spit back some textbook definition of the word.

"Wine, originating in Iran around 5000 BC, is an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. In other words, it's made from the juice of grapes that have been left out for a long time. It makes your head feel funny but in a rather enjoyable way."

"Oh, that's cool." I say even though I only understood half of what she said. Then Terezi took my arm again and pulled me over to a leather couch.

I'm struggling to open up these weird barbecue chip thingies so I just take my nails and pop the bag, making a hole in the middle of the bag.

I take one out and examine it. It's strange. Unlike the grips we had, it's orangy yellow instead of green brown.

I put one in my mouth hesitantly anyways and oh my gog. This is amazing.

Me and Terezi sat on the couch eating this big bag of chips when Terezi starts talking to me in a really quiet voice.

"Neperz, there's something I've gotta get off my chest. You HAVE to keep this a secret okay?"

I nod my head and she continues talking.

"Okay." She pauses to take a deep breath. "So last night, Gamzee came to me and pulled me into the hallway. We talked for a while and he said that he would like to keep seeing me. I.. I don't know what to do. Do you think I should go back again?"

"No!" I practically shout and I'm immediately shooshed by Terezi.

"Sorry," I say in a lower voice, "but oh my gog, no! Gamzee is so vile and awful and who knows what he's capable of doing to you?"

"Yeah." She says. "Yeah, you're right Nepeta. Thank you. I'll avoid the shit clown at all costs."

We sat there eating our chips for a little longer when Dave, Karkat, and the mayor all walk into the room at once. Dave immediately goes over to the thing on the wall that looks like a washing machine and out comes a steaming hot cup full of what I would guess to be coffee.

He takes Karkat over to all the recording equipment on the other side of the room and starts showing him everything. Karkat looks so confused which makes me and Terezi chuckle.

We just ignore them for a while. Stupid boys. Nothing can top the bond I have with Terezi.

Hey everyone!

Sorry for taking a few days for the next chapter. I got kind of indulged in this show called skins and yeee. Why he had to died?

So anyways, here is a chapter with just Nepeta. Things are definitely going to pick up more in the next few chapters. Be warned. >;3

Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll be writing the next chapter as soon as I can.

Take care!

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