Chapter 4

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The squad resumed their journey.

"Delta right?" Nix turned to Delta. "Oh, yeah! That's me. Something you need?" He looked at Nix. "So, what do you know about Jupiter?" Nix asked. "You seem to know them well." 

"They're my brother, something happened when they went to work with your family, and then they lost themselves."

"Gotcha, I'll figure out what it is eventually."

Merid watched the two chat, wondering if the royal family had more behind it. Delta thanked Nix, but had something on his mind. "They've.. been ordered to kill me. They killed our parents." Nix didn't answer. “...And, they’re trying to kill me next.” Delta stumbled on his words a little. “Well, they were nearly successful.. One time..” 

Archer perked up, remembering something. “I saved you.. Right? I can't remember it all too clearly.." Delta nodded, remembering the event. "Yes, you did! And I'm glad you did." He paused, and pointed to some scars on his nose, neck, and cheek. "That's how I got these. I think Jupiter tried to either decapitate me, or get to my brain." Nix nodded. "Alright, let's get going." He walked off, leaving the others behind at a small distance. 

The others caught up with Nix.

And someone caught a glimpse of Merid. A pale man with a burn scar over his right eye, light purple hair at a medium length, baby blue eyes, and the Alamandrian army outfit on. The outfit consisted of a button-up shirt that was bulletproof, pants with a small pocket attachment for small weapons, and steel-toed white boots. The man was named Eztli, Merid knew nothing about him, but he knew almost everything about Merid. Eztli saw Merid, and grabbed them from the alleyway. Merid let out a small yelp of panic. "H-Huh?" They looked Eztli in the eyes, feeling scared by him. "Let's get you away from this little group of yours, Merid." Eztli had Merid grabbed by the shirt collar as they thrashed around, and tried to get out. "Huh, why?" Eztli grimaced. "You're going to get yourself killed." Merid's eyes widened, but they shook their head. "No! I'm not!" They lifted up their leg, and kicked Eztli in his chest. Merid was freed from the man's grasp, and the man in the army outfit fell back to the ground. 

Eztli slightly sat up, letting out a groan in pain. Merid glared, and set their foot on Eztli's chest, putting most of their weight on that foot. "Tell me who you are, right now. This isn't a question, it's a demand." Eztli smirked. "I'm your uncle, Merid." 

"No. No you aren't. I don't have an uncle."

"Hmph, your father Joel must've never told you about me."

"So? He had to have a good reason."

Eztli smiled, to Merid, it felt like an insult every time he smiled. "Hey, stop smiling, you jerk."

Footsteps. Who's footsteps? 

Carmen's, that's who's footsteps Merid heard.

"Hey purple, get off of him." She demanded Merid, as they followed her demand. "Thanks." Carmen walked over to Eztli and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, despite being shorter than him, Carmen seemed tall. "Who are you, and what are you doing?" Eztli grinned smugly, answering the other's question. "Eztli, Merid's uncle on their dad's side. And I'm here to get them away from you freaks." 

Carmen paused, before looking at Eztli with disgust. "Freaks? You think we're the freaks?" She balled up her hand into a fist and sent a punch towards Eztli's nose, the force of the punch knocking him out of Carmen's grasp. 

He laughed, a small laugh. Merid froze up. Was their uncle really like this, or was he lying? They didn't know, they didn't even know anything about Eztli so why should they believe them?

(discontinued due to theft) The End Of AlamandraWhere stories live. Discover now