Chapter 6

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Andromeda gasped for air as she ran to the warehouse.

And she stopped.

Ash, debris, nearly everything was destroyed. Andromeda fell to her knees, devastated at the sight of her home being destroyed. She grimaced and hit the ground, tears welling up in her eyes. "Why..? Why did it come to this? I wanted to make sure everyone was safe.." 

She took off her glasses, setting them aside by a piece of broken glass. She hit the ground once more, letting out a scream in a mixture of anger and dread. 

She then drew a breath, looking up to see someone standing in front of her.

"Hello, Andromeda." 

The figure looked exactly like Carmen. Andromeda stood up, gritting her teeth as she put her glasses back on. "You're not Carmen. She died in front of me!" 

Andromeda reached down to the ground to grab a rock, preparing to toss it at the Carmen look-alike. 

Before she could throw it at the look-alike, what seemed to be Carmen glitched and bugged, eventually fading away.

"A display? Seriously, who.." Andromeda pondered, before being interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"It's great to see you, Andro." Nix spoke as he was walking towards Andromeda. "Don't take another step, asshole." She scowled. "Oho? Trying to threaten me? That won't work, miss." Nix laughed, not taking Andromeda seriously. 

Andromeda glared Nix down, awaiting his next step, if he even took another. Nix resumed his laughter, and took a couple steps closer to Andromeda.

"Not so fast." Andromeda snapped her fingers, and Nix felt a blockage in his throat. He couldn't speak, not even the smallest word. "You're probably wondering what that is," Andromeda added as Nix fell to his knees. "It's a small rock, it's blocking your throat. Now if you agree to leave, I'll remove it." 

Andromeda paused, with a smirk slowly forming on her face. "But that'll just prove you've failed, am I correct?" Nix weakly turned to Andromeda with fearful eyes. He didn't like failure, he never did. "Ha! Face the facts, you're just going to fail. That's all you're good at." Andro kept mocking Nix, laughing every few moments. 

Until Nix finally agreed to leave by violently nodding his head. 

"Oh?" Andromeda was slightly taken back, expecting Nix to simply let himself die. "Fine." 

Andromeda snapped once more, and the rock was removed. "There, now leave." 

"Hmph." Nix got back up, staring at Andromeda for a few. 

Nix had raised his arm up, electricity cackling around it. "We'll see about that." He said with a smile, and electricity shot towards Andromeda's right eye.

The right lense from Andromeda's glasses broke, and the beam hit her eye spot on. As Andromeda let out a scream in pain, Nix teleported away.

Andromeda instinctively covered her eye, struggling to catch her breath as the pain pulsed. "Aah- What the..hell-?" No matter how hard Andromeda tried to distract herself from the pain, it still persisted. "Eyepatch.. I need an eyepatch!" She inhaled, and an eyepatch materialized in her hand.

She quickly took off her glasses, and put the eyepatch on as fast as she could. The pain still stayed, but at least she had something to cover her eye. 

Andromeda shakily got up, taking short breaths as she did. 'I don't think I'll need these anymore..' She looked down at her glasses, stomping on them until they broke completely. She pulled back her green hair into a ponytail, and ran into a pile of debris.

(discontinued due to theft) The End Of AlamandraWhere stories live. Discover now