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i let out a soft laugh
"A buisness? you? HA! you're like 23!?"
"yes i know, i'm quite the entrepreneur" a sly grin crawls across his face
"it was just a small restaurant, we had a few animatronics just life freddy's but they stole our idea and ..." his smile fades and he looks down at his plate "well the rest is history now if you'll excuse me for a moment, sugar"
i notice this is a rather.. tough subject for him and try to move the conversation along, but it's just so intresting.. a restursnt at his age! .. his age? how old is he? he can't be that old! i mean we looks the same age.. kind of ?? oh my god.. what if he's like forty and he just looks young... holy shit!

"uhm... quick question..." i mumble this is so embarassing fuckkkk
"how old are you?"
he chuckles
"please, i'm 25, i wouldn't have taken you on a date if i were any older, i'm not a creep!"
"ah, i know.. i just you've owned your own buisness.. not for long but still!"
"Yeah.. Henry and I were quite the duo.." he mumbles
henry.. so that's his partners name! i would love to meet him getting to know all of williams friends! would really feel like we're.. i'm sorry did he say DATE?!? AWHHHHHH THATS SO NO HE BURNT MY HOUSE DOWN!!! just because he's being nice doesn't mean i can forgive him but he's playing into my feeelllliiiinnnggggssss ok, no this is fine! it's just friends being friends but i think i like him and AHHHHHHHH

my face turns red as i get flushed and i start fidgeting
"hey you alright, doll?"
he smiles
"ok doll face just making sure" he stands up omg he's so tall "i'm going to go pay you stay here.. that waitress just disappeared.. i guess she really was an angel! just poof up and left soaring away"
his hands fly around the place as he talks its wonderful.

I've been sitting here for 30 minutes and William still isn't back, i'm starting to get worried should I call for him? he told me to stay here but did something happen? if his card didn't work i can pay! maybe he's just being a stubborn little bitch.
I stand up and knock the chair over
"sorry!" i whisper to the chair
i look around the restaurant, the floors are checkard and the walls are a dingy yellow there's a fine layer of dust covering everything including the cash registers.. dust?
"Hey! there you are darling!" he grabs my hand from behind and spins me around quickly ushering me out the door
"sorry i took so long, i didn't mean to the stupid machine stopped working!"
his face glistens in the moon light as he walks back to the car, opening my door for me. he swiftly starts the car and speeds away his hands grab the stealing wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white, his leg and shaking and he's constantly checking the mirrors.. more than usual..
"wow someones in a hurry" i laugh he looses his grip and calms down
"yeah.. i'm so sorry.. i didn't mean to take that long i really didn't!"
"hey, it's okay! nothing to apologize for" i smile
we pass a lone tree in a field, it's cute beautiful just sitting there we've been driving for a while but i don't remember these roads.. was william planning to take me somewhere else? how.. romantic ? it's already late at night i kind of want to go home.

William afton X reader {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now