Of course you did..

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(Y/N)'s POV

"You could live at my house" William responds to my outburst about everything I ever loved being burnt to a crisp in front of my eyes, well not everything  just the hallway leading to my room. so the bathroom closet and part of the living room and kitchen were engulfed in flames as Williams solution is for you to move into his house, it'd be nice, having a roomie and splitting the coast of the bills instead of me having to pay them by myself, it'd take a lot of stress of my shoulders.... but possibly add more I mean this mans vibe is always strange but like, a comforting strange like he'd take me to a cool party in freddy's where we'd just hang out and vibe together.

".... so what'll it be?" William ask

"Ok, I'll move in with you. It'll be nice we'll split the bills--" I go on explaining my plan on exactly how we'll be living together

"Ok! its a plan, pack up your-- oh yeah, I uhhh Ok so ill drive you home and you and me will get things sorted out later" 

PG starts laughing at the slip of Williams words I shoot him a glance as mike walks over with Jeremy who was obviously just crying but is trying to hid it 

"hey guys, me and Jeremy are going to head home see you later...." Mike states

"h-hey (Y/n) do you h-have a place to stay..?" Jeremy whisper yells 

"I do actually! no need to worry you two!" I say as a push them into there car shuttting the door and wishing them a goodbye

"W- how- why.... Where are you staying (y/n)" Mike stutters trying to comprehend how he got to his car so fast 

"Oh, its nothing to worry about.. Goodbye Mike and Jeremy" I say as a I reach my hand into the car to turn the keys 

Mike raises his hands to let mine through but before I can pull away he grabs my hand 

Mikes Pov 

I was shoved into my car so quickly by (y/n) so quickly, she's obviously hiding something maybe shes embarrassed she has no where to live at the moment? or simply doesn't want to live with Jeremy and I, which.. makes sense we have no room or bed for her to sleep in, Since Jeremy has the only extra room. 

She keeps trying to push us away I lift my arms for her to turn on the car but before she can leave I grab her wrist she stares at me blankly, fear and terror in her eyes. we stare at each other for what seems to be eternity a tear streaks down her face and I let go 

"I'm- I'm so sorry (y/n)..  I didn't mean to hurt you" I apologies

she glances around seeming to not remember where she is but it hits her when she sees the now half burnt pile of what used to be her house  

"It's okay, it's really nothing you did.. heh" She awkwardly chuckles before running to PG and William I pull out of the driveway trying to figure out what happened and wave her a soft goodbye which, she does as well.

Williams POV

I see (y/n) Pushing idiot and softy into their car gosh, how mike hates me for taking all the hot single night guards.. it's quite funny actually, I only really do it to bug him i'm not going to lie, But she... she's different... I actually kind of want to be with her, I want her to like me back and surely burning down her house wont win her over... Dang... why do i always  end up burning things down.. First it was the pizzeria my dad owned with.... with whoever it was,  and then  it was the family home passed down for several generations but that house was falling apart I still don't regret soaking that baby with gasoline, and now it's her house... I feel bad so the least I could've done is give her a place to say. 

Maybe before I take her home i'll take her shopping for clothing it shouldn't be that expensive or hard  should it? 

"hello? Helllo.. Helllloooo" PG says in my ears I jump backwards

"Huh what? what now" I ask ticked off

"We were talking.... do you remember that?" 

"You were STILL talking? 

"Of course... alright im going to get going" he tells me before glancing at (y/n) and mike

What's that bozo looking at? I look over to see mike holding her hand and her just.. staring.. like a broken animatronic with some kiddies inside or something.

Should i do something? Should I go help her out? she seems stressed or scared or... or something! 

No, no I should leave her alone... i've done enough to her already....

she looks around like shes lost and then runs over to PG and I, Mike drives away and PG heads to his car.

"What was that about?" I ask 

"What was what about...?" She asks generally confused... I think

"Well, you're crying for one, and you and mike just.. store at each other for like a whole minute straight... I'm surprised you're crying and not that little rat Jeremy"

"Jeremy isn't a rat!" She defends 

"Uh huh! You didn't know him as  a kid! He told my dad I stole his pizza, and he told my dad the time I took all the toasters in the pizza place... why where there so many goshdarn toasters in a PIZZA PLACE??? anyways I took all the toasters and made the BEST toast in the world but I didn't offer mike or Jeremy any cuz there tattletails and now way are they getting top tier toast!"I protest

"Yah... sounds like a reaaaalll problem, how dare he tell your father you have an ungodly amount of toasters making toast..." She mocks me 

"You're taking his side? Unbelievable... everyone takes his side" I pout 

"Awww poor bawby got his feewings huwt" She laughs 

"Oh comeon lets just go" 

to be continued ...  

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