Toast man.

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You glance at William and he motions you to come over with a wink, as he pats the tiny corner beside him under the desk.
"Oh gosh" you mumble to yourself as you squeeze in beside him.
"I know, I'm very handsome" he chuckles
There is a very loud groan from everyone in the room.

That's when you hear the pattern of large metal feet on the east side door, you Scooch in closer to William, If that's even possible, and you feel something in his pocket, you flinch and pull yourself hand away only for him to blush and hold in a chuckle.

Mikes POV
Jermey is freaking out (as usual) and squished me and PG into the corner of the locker which is surprisingly larger then it looks on the outside, I look out a crack in the door to see (Y/N) standing there looking around for a place to hide,
"Shoot" I mumble
"(Y/N) doesn't have a place to hide and Jermey is taking up the whole dang locker" I whisper
"S-sorry" he says awkwardly blushing
I look out the crack again to see William Winking and patting the floor beside him, Great...
She sighs as she walks to the desk and sit beside him,  William whispers "I know I'm very handsome"
Everyone groans.

That's when I hear it, Large heavy metal footsteps coming through Chicas door, Jermey and (Y/N) jumped at the same time. I lost my footing and slammed into PG luckly we didn't a sound, Chica's soulless eyes look around the room for anything that moves.
Apparently she's stupid enough to not look underneath the desk
"Jermey, I need you to move over so I can get a better view outside" I whisper
"B-But.. *sigh* okay" he whispers
I shoot him a look of sympathy as I move back to the middle of the doors to look out the crack again, only to see William and (Y/N) staring into each others eyes Blushing, her hand on his pocket.

The doors appear to be working again and the lights are back on. I don't go out yet as I want to see where this goes.

your POV
I shoot my hand back after staring into Williams eyes for what seems like an eternity we were both blushing hard he reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a large butchers knife with deep red stains on it.

I shoot him a look of curiosity.
He peaks his head out of the underpart of the desk to see chica gone. He crawls out and pulls me out with him, he chuckles and shuts the office doors, he sat down in the office chair only to pull out toast from his pocket, covered with jam. He cuts the toast in half and offers me a piece..
"No thank you..." You say
"What!? What's the look on your face for, when a man needs to eat he's gotta eat!" He tell you before cutting the toast in half and stuffing his mouth full,

Mike, Jeremy and PG bust open the locker doors mike looking angry Jermey looking like his pants have fallen down in front of a million people and... Pg.. well Pg looks the same..
"What was what about?" William asks spitting chewed toast all over the floor.
"Do what?" William plays dumb
Just then the bell chimes 6 AM the office doors open and William grabs your hand and rushes out of the office.

"Where are we going?" You ask as he swings open the front doors you look behind you to see mike chasing you guys shoe in hand PG and Jermey are laughing and standing at the front doors
William picks you up but realizes he never put his knife back in his pockets, too bad, he continues running around the parking lot
"Where... is... your... car..?" He pants
You shuffle around in your pockets only to realize you left your car at home
"ITS NOT HERE TURN RIGHT!!" You scream the directions as mike gets closer with his shoe still in his hand.
William runs down the road to your house and kicks in the door
"Wow that's a sucky door you should get a new one" he says as he closes it... kinda, he puts a chair in front of where the door knob SHOULD BE.
He grabs your toaster and a package of bread
"Where your room" He says but it's muffled by the bread bag in his mouth.

You face palm and lead him the way, but before you do you glance out the window to see mike, Jeremy and PG running up your drive way, you grab William and look your bedroom door. He walks to the closet outlet and starts making toast. You hear the boys bust down your door
"William Dang it!" Mike says throughout him gasping for breath.
"What is happening and why did you break down my door?" You say as your brain finally processes how you got into your locked house but then you remember YOU DIDNT LOCK THE DOOR
"I DIDNT EVEN LOCK THE DOOR" you whisper yell at William who is ignoring you making toast.
"(Y/N) come here stay away from the evil toast man" PG says mocking mike
"Quit it PG! He does this all the time, I'm sick of being single!" Mike says.
You hear the handle start shaking
"Aha! Found them!!" Mike says with relief in his voice, Pg still laughing from mikes remark about being single
"Jermey I need a butter knife! She's got these cheep locks" Mike demands

Heheheh this is where I leave it off for tonight! Did I fool anyone with the... under the desk scenario with William? 😉 Welp! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I do writing it!

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