Accident Prone

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i can feel myself dozing off as William keeps driving, i must just be confused, where IS he taking me?

"Hey Will?"
"hm?" he reply's he seems skittish maybe the toast was bad or some shit
"where are we going?" maybe he just has to shit
"home! i'm following the gps.." he points to the screen before realizing
"oh my fucking god where the hell are we?" he mumbles "no it's ok! we're fine! i'll just reset the gps.. it's charging right?"
i fumble around looking for the gps' cord
"umm no"
"alrighty, it's ok i used to live around here remember.. i'll find someplace to stop at" he reassures me
"well aslong as i can sleep i'm fine" i yawn before laying my head back and dozing off

Williams POV
how did i actually manage to get lost? god i'm so stupid.. i mean on the bright side it's more time spent with her.. the way she sleeps, so peaceful as if everything is perfect and her skin glistening in the starlight... SHIT!
a black dog runs across the road causing William to swerve you somehow stay fast asleep as he slams the breaks
"how tf are you still sleeping, bitch wake up" he shakes you violently
you groan and cover your eyes
"dude shh i'm sleeping"
"ok but we hit a fence.."
"A FENCE? HOW???" you sit straight up in your chair fear coursing through your veins
"hey on the bright side i found a house.. and cows if you're hungry" he chuckles "cmon lets go knock on the door"
"and just leave the car here? in their fence??" i remark
"well i guess not like i can drive it anywhere else the wheels are like really in there and it would take time and i don't have a flashlight"
an old man with a long straggly beard comes running out with a lamp burning in his hands
"oh yeah rightly so mister! we had a bit of car trouble round here ran straight into this fine fence of yours!" William says mocking his country accent
ah yes mock the man who can help us.. reaaallll smart.. ok it's kind of funny...
i hold back a chuckle as Will and the strange man start messing with the car, i see a younger woman walk out of the house towards us
"are you all right? cmon inside and i'll fetch you some tea" she says a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a pink laced night gown on her hair sloppily throwing into a bun, it's too dark to see any other features but she looks gorgeous
"heh we're fine just took a little spill" i say jogging to catch up with her we reach the house, it has white siding with black shutters, it had a porch wrapping around the walks like a vine, longing for attention.
We walked up the steps creaking each step we took and sat in the kitchen.
"it's not fancy but it's home" she chuckles
"i love it, it's very homey; better than the city"
"yeah, we used to live out there, just wasn't for us.. that pizza place crept the hell out of us.. i can't believe they rebuilt it?? new models? that won't change what happened to that poor kid" she expresses, worry floods her face and as quickly as the expression came it fades and William and her father walk through the door.
"ah, beloved! i see you've made yourself comfy." William teases
"oh hush, i'm just making her some tea." the young woman shoots back, seeing her more clearly i can tell she's around our age, gorgeous too, her blind curls match her bright green eyes her face pale with red undertones and checks that shine like roses...
William pulls out a seat beside me he takes a biscuit from the dish in the middle and eats it
"woah.. this are amazing!"he says, bun crumbs flying out of his mouth
"ha! i'm glad you like it! my wife's recipe" The farmer says
"oh! you haven't been properly introduced! I'm Wilbur and this is my lovely daughter Diana, we've been living around her for no less than 6 years.. right after that incident at that... what was that place?"
"Freddy fazbear pizza, but the un renovated version.. it's so stupid i just-" Diana explains before being cut off
"don't get into it you just get all riled up and we have guests! who will be off on the road again tomorrow, y'all can stay here tonight and don't worry about the fence it was old anyway"
"thank you kindly, sir i'm going to head to bed now if you all don't mind" I reply before finishing my tea and heading to bed before i realized i have no idea where to go
"which would be... where exactly"
"Ah! follow me!" Diana says she grabs my hand and pulls me down the long hall we stop right at the end of the hall
"here we are! i hope you and your boyfriend don't mind there's only one bed"
"oh.. he's not-"
"well i'll leave y'all to it! bathrooms to your left, windows are stuck in your room so you can't open them sadly but if you need a breeze come talk to me and i'll see what i can do, enjoy your stay!" she says before wondering off.
omfg one bed? ONE BED??  why the one bed scenario now??
"hey mama where theses beds at.. oh"
"I CALL TOP BUNK!!" William screams before jumping on the bed "ohhh sore loser looks like you get the floor.. unless" he winks
"oh fuck off i'm sleeping on the bed too you attention whore"
"woah.. that's not nice, after all the kind things i've don't for you! cmon, burnt your house down, crashed the car.. these are all bright things!" he chuckles
"maybe i should pay you back.. where's your lighter" i laugh though respectfully i am still pissed he fucking burnt my house down
William sits up on the bed and groans
"it's hot as balls in here you got a fan or something"
"eh, no she said no windows and if we're hot we can ask for a fan" i respond
"oh well lucky for you, you can see how good i look shirtless" he try's taking his shirt of smoothly but ends up getting stuck with his arms straight up in the air
"umm.. a little help?... beloved?" he cries "are you here? HEY! don't laugh at me!!!"
you couldn't help but laugh so hard it hurt.
"stop that, this hurts man" he complains
"didn't ask" you walk over to him and grab his shirt, though he wasn't lying he really does look good with his shirt off, properly...
he does a pose and pulls you onto the bed, and snuggles his head close to your neck
"you smell nice... what is this?" he asks
"trade secret, can't tell you." you wonder what's gotten into him lately he seems.. so nice now? i mean he never wasn't nice but it's just.. pet names? him snuggling with me and taking me out to dinner i know i haven't known him long, is he trying to hide something? ah, it's stupid i shouldn't worry about it this so much, when people get closer to each other their ways of affection change, it's not an issues.
"is it actually a trade secret or do you just not want me to smell as great as you"
he starts laughing and you follow after, all your worries flood away and in this moment nothing could ever bother you, you could defiantly spend the rest of your life with him.

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