Living with William and Rollarcoasters

522 16 2

I gasp, clenching my pale sun bleached yellow sheets of my smelly old mattress, the sun was shining brightly through my window which seemed to be slightly cracked open letting in a cool breeze.

Williams guest room was quite musty, when i first got here it was very dusty,he must not have a lot of guests over to stay, Why wouldn't he? he seems like a nice guy! maybe people aren't fond of others with toast addictions. Crippling toast addictions...

I slowly slip out of my bed and into addidas jogging pants and a lime green hoodie, there's a ding of a toaster as I open my door and the smell of bacon hits me like a landslide I walk over to the table as William plates the food.

"Wow, Looks amazing!" I say trying not to yawn

"Thanks, It's my mothers recipe, she's always made the best bacon"

"Looks delicious can't wait to try"

He hands me a plate of food the bacon is amazing it warms my body sending warmth through my veins this is amazing, I never knew he was such a great cook.
-time skip srry-

We finished breakfast and I washed the dishes since it was my day and he cooked, we decided to go on a walk and check out how my house looked, I was still mad about it and I dont think anything he'll ever do will be as tramatic and terrible as this has been, I feel like I should be more pissed but I'm not I think it's because of the fact I get to live with him no, I can't be simping for him he's my coworker, I can't do that. Plus we're only just friends! Best friends! But I want to be more? I'm not sure I... I don't know.

"Hey? You good?" He asks taking a bite of toast

"What do you mean? I mean I'm looking at my house that you burned down"

"Well I mean yeah. Ok wait yeah that's actually really bad but I mean... never mind" he stumbles on his words he looks like he had something to say but can't put it into words "oh! It's 10:30 already I have something to show you"
He grabs my hand and runs down to his car he pulls away rather quickly slamming the poor car into reverse
"Damn it" he mumbles "we're gonna be late"

I want to know where we're going but I'm not sure if I should ask, it seems pretty important that it's a secret i rest my head on the seat belt and fall asleep

After about an hour of driving we pull into a muddy parking lot
"Hey sleepy we're here"
I check the time 11:40 am I step out of the car and stretch my aching mussels it smells like.... A THEME PARK???
My face lights up with joy William looks over and chuckles
"The state fair started 40 minutes ago and look it's already packed"

"I haven't been to a fair in so so long" I say in awe

"Well I'm glad I could bring you to this one it's got to be one of the best"
He grabs my hand and pulls up to the ticket booth paying for our tickets

"You didn't have to William" I say grabbing money to pay him back
He pushes my hand away "My treat"
I smile and he grabs my hand and walks my to the drop tower '75 feet!' The sign reads
Oh no no no not a drop tower I'm terrified of heights I start to play with my rings as I try to cope with being nervous
"This is going to be so fun I love drop towers I haven't been on one in so- hey you ok?" He says

"Uhhh ye-yeah! I'm fine" I studded damn it I'm so nervous

"Hey if you're scared of the drop tower we can do something else, this line is insanely long to" his voice is calm not what I'm used to he's normally very emotional with his words it makes them stick.

I look around for rides when I see zero gravity my favourite ride as a kid. I grab his hand and run over the line was short so we got on almost immediately
He looks so nice today I can't help but notice, I shouldn't care what he looks like? Should I?

"Like what you see?" He says confidently

"What??" I say shocked why did he.. was I staring?

"You were staring at me" he says standing beside me on the padded wall

"Oh umm I'm sorry you- your... uhh" my face beats as my pale cheeks turn a slight shade of pink

He chuckles "no problem if I saw someone as handsome as me I would stare as well"

Time skip
"HOLY SH-" William screams being cut off

"Language" Mike says walking with Jeremy
I wave to them "Hey guys! You having fun?"

"Yeah we got here just an hour ago" Mike says going back to yelling at William for only god knows what reason this time

I check the time "HOLY" it's 5:30 pm there's no way in hell we've been here for that long

"Don't you dare finish that" Mike shoots at me "William you can't swear if there is children around that's like the whole point you can't... ugh you just can't say bad words around them you work at a pizza place how do you not know this!"

"Well I work in the back and the nights shift dip-... idiot." William stuttered as a little girl walks by

"Thank you Will" Mike says taking Jeremy's hand "We better get going before the sun sets"

"As should we" William says grabbing my arm and heading to the car
His touch warms my whole body his hands are so smooth it's so relaxing to have him around he's so sweet and kind and amazing.. he opens the car door for me

"It'll be a long drive home, where do you want dinner"

"I think I saw a cute little diner around here somewhere"

Also I'm so sorry for the big gap from posting I just started highschool  and I've been stressed from that and needed a mental break I've also been really unmotivated to finish this but I didn't want to bum you guys out so the story might be shorter then I originally intended but don't worry I except to right like 20 more chapters before ending most likely even longer! Anyways love you guys have a good day/night 🥰

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