The Question

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Mikes POV
They jumped out the window, there is no point of chasing them and the tv is looking pretty lonely with just PG watching it, so I join in. Jermey follows me and we start watching whatever was playing.
Honestly I don't know nor do I care, I'm tired after the night shift and chasing William around the whole time.

Williams POV
"Why does your name tag say Vincent?" She asked
I don't know how to answer that question, for.. I don't even know the answer. Well, I did know once but I don't know now. It's been so long, I haven't heard that name in years I'm not sure why they put it on my name tag. Come to think of it, I never knew it said Vincent...
"Hello? William..?" She said waving her hand in my face
I snap back to reality to answer her question
"I don't know, I haven't heard anyone call me Vincent since... nevermind. I guess they gave me a used name tag or someone has the same name as me?"

"Oh, maybe.. it's getting late-" she glances around her (E/C) glistens in the setting sun light, her hair whisping in the wind
"..." I go to talk but have nothing to say
We sit in silence until I pipe up
"Race you home?"

Mikes POV
We watch four episodes it's now 8 am, wow I didn't realize they've been out that long running in the woods together...
Silhouette passes by the front window then another, the front door swings open and I see (Y/N) and William painting and giggling
"I won fair and square" (Y/N) says in between deep breaths
"NUH UH! I touched the house first!" William shoots back
They catch there breath and continue arguing about who won.
"That's no fair! I made it here first you never clarified I have to touch the house! You said race to the house not molest it with your smelly fingers!" (Y/N) shoots back to William obviously making a joke
Everyone starts laughing it.

I walk over to the couch and sit beside PG and Mike forcing Jermey and mike to be closer.
You know it's wrong to ship people in real life but they are cute together even if they are just homies. You glance to the TV and notice they are watching your favourite show sadly it's an episode you just watched the night before, William walks over and sits in an arm chair closets to the kitchen.

Jermey's POV
There is a strong smell of something burning, but at the same time the sweet smell of a campfire. It brings back nostalgia of camping with mikes family when we were younger the good ol' times, until you realize no windows are open... and it's 8:30 in the morning..
"Uhh hey... mike.. d-do you smell that?" I whisper to
"Jermey I'm not falling for your fart jokes again"
"No- no it smells like burnt... toast? And a campfire" William chimes in
A look of pure fear and realization hit Williams face and he slowly turns his head to the bedroom door to see a bright light and the sound of a cackling fire irrupting...
I jump up and so does he
"So uhhh (Y/N).. how do you feel about insurance?"
William remarks scratching the back of his head
"You did not just light my house on fire" she spits back jumping from the couch dialling the fire department on her cellphone
PG and mike grab the fire distinguisher and bust down the bedroom door, everyone else leave the house as the fire trucks arrive.

ugh Williams always been an idiot messing things up, so this isn't surprising. Me and mike go to the wall where the fire distinguisher is hanging and bust down the door (Y/N) ushers everyone our as the fire trucks arrive the fire was huge and I'm surprised is stayed in the room, the heat was intense the second we kicked in the door we started spraying everything until the firefighters walked in and dragged us out.
William is cracking jokes and (Y/N) is obviously trying not to lose her cool in front of everyone but her eyes tell you she wants to so badly.
"So... the insurance..." I chime in
"See there's nothing like a good joke to cope!" William says
"Aha yeah a joke to cope with the fact all my clothes have melted because you made TOAST IN MY CLOSET and now I have NO WHERE TO LIVE, look the fire is spreading like a... a wildfire!" She yells
"You could live at my house!" William responds

I'm glad mike wasn't here to hear that, he was over calming Jermey Down across the street otherwise Will would have gotten a beating..

Oof this is short. Sorry about that! I hope you all enjoyed! See ya next time!

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