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Life is a fairytale....But don't fairytale have up & downs? The one's who survive the down , rise up.

In the past years chaos and sufferings were the only constant of Hastinapur. Chaos of royalty & suffering of common folk. Nothing has been same after the departure of Vasusen. The events of the past still haunt the mind of the royalties, especially Bhishm.
A dharmatma like him couldn't be at peace knowing injustice had happened and he had openly supported it for his promise, leading to a series of injustice.  Although he was the same Mahamahim Bhishm before the court and folk but in the solitude of his chamber , he was a lost soul, someone who needed guidance and affection. Someone who wished for a normal life.

The suffering of other royals wasn't less.Vidur was always tensed and apprehensive , Dhritarashtra frightened and annoyed and Shakuni pissed with the royals of Hastinapur.

The ladies weren't less...The apple of their eyes wasn't there.
Ambika and Ambalika weren't very close to Karn but yet missed his presence. His laugh and games would make their day. He would tease them and run away with them chasing behind. With him they felt like little girls and not the grown up queens.

Satyavati was deserted. She wasn't a lady of emotion. She at first was skeptical of Karn. But Karn managed to warm her heart and be her favourite in the multiverse. She would talk , play pranks and cook for him. She felt free , active and joyous with him. For him she was a normal mother and not the queen mother. He provided her the bliss of motherhood that she hadn't received during the upbringing of her other 3 children. He was her " Satyavrat " and she was his "priye". There wasn't a day after his departure when she hadn't missed and prayed for his well being.

Gandhari's condition was no better . She felt suffocated in between the royals. Their was no joy , no life , no light . Her world was darkened. The only joy were her children especially her daughter, Dushala. Dushala was her mother's protective cover from the harsh cold world . She is full of love and life , just like her name. Gandhari loved her kids alot but was a bit biased towards her daughter,may be because she was the only daughter born in the Kuru Kul and the youngest of all.
No, it's not that she didn't love Kauravas or  didn't have time for their upbringing . She tried to divide her time for her kids equally but wasn't really that successful. & How does one expect her to be successful ? She was a ruling queen , a queen who looked after the palace, was always present in court meetings and essential events and a mother to 101 childrens.
Even with 2 children ,one child is bound to get a little neglected doesn't matter how much one tries to sustain equality , then how can you expect her to be available for all her 101  kids?

Dhritarashtra was always confident but Vidur's calling him incomplete made him doubt himself and all his abilities. He, now could be easily manipulated by anyone. & His biggest fright was loosing the throne...no he wasn't greedy for throne but he realised being in power is the only way people would respect and accept him. He was a slave to his own doubts , insecurities and fears and therefore never had enough time to look after the Kauravas.
Although Shakuni was present in Hastinapur but it wasn't possible for him to look after 100 kids at once ..But nevertheless he always tried to be their for them especially for his first nephew.. Suyodhan.

The Kauravas were growing and so were the Pandavas. On one hand as the Pandavas were experiencing love ,care and nourishment, the Kauravas were neglected , rejected and overlooked. On one hand , Pandavas had enough for survival and we're brought up with values, morals and ethics , the Kauravas were brought up in luxury , politics and arrogance.

The initial years of a child is just like a pot under making.If the pot doesn't get the adequate amount of  sunlight , air and water, it cracks. Similarly if a child doesn't get morals , ethics and values in his initial years , his/her character development is inhibited which later inhibits his overall development. Thus the initial years of child decide and develop him .  

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