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"Nish-will you please answer your phone or you can just throw it away, you know"

It's Nisha's mom, the ever so 'Joker' mom because she knew that that same phone she was asking her to throw away is the same phone that is a matter of life and death for her daughter, she knew that, of all people.

"Boy trouble or something?"

It's their usual mother-daughter stick together kind of day and if it's not grocery shopping then on her dad's favorite place, the lake nearby.

It's grocery that day because her mom just got her extra pay.

And Nisha swear, her mom was now part of the growing number of people that she hates because of that Mickey Parker.

Nisha's on her way to Aisle 08, the chocolate aisle. Her other bestfriend.

"Mom, oh please" she said to her mother with her usual bratty rolling of eyes and her mom was like, smiling like a lunatic. Rayne told her, of course.

"I'll just go get my LOVE"

LOVE is chocolates.

As she was about to grab a box of Twix, something just suddenly made a heck of a goosebumps outta her. The trouble. The bad news.

"Your - Love, huh~"

That's the weird thing about that guy, no matter how pleasant the word is, even the most pleasant one like that word 'Love', when it's coming from his mouth, it always sounds soooo BAD.

The box of chocs that Nisha just grabbed is now on the devil's hand so she snatched it back and tried her very hardest to calm herself.

"No guy wants you and so you made chocolate, your boyfriend. Wow, fascinating~"

Nisha is really on her way on ignoring him, she's actually a couple of steps away from him already when he uttered those.

"Excuse me??!!" She turned around, hand on her waist, fuming like hell. Was about to run to him and just punch or kick him, maybe when a hand grab hold of her arm. It's her mom and her eyes is telling something, good thing that she knows how to obey her mother because standing closely behind her is Mrs. Parker, Mickey's step mom, our town's most beloved woman. Although, Nisha hates her because of Haven, a long story. And actually, the same person she needed to write a recommendation for college application. Forget the HATE, for a while.

"Hi Nisha, good to see you again"

Everything about her is Plastic, yeah~ even her face. But Nisha have to smile, even just a bit.

"So you've met Mickey? Well, obviously" She looks toward Mickey and there's that something, if it isn't hate, maybe annoyance. It alarms Nisha a bit or maybe not so much because it's that easy to hate that guy.

"Uhmm, Yes. " She answered

Mickey was smiling, that devilish one.

"Oh well, see you soon. But we have to go ahead, I apologize"

After an exchange of goodbyes, Mrs. Parker was the first to go ahead and Mickey?

"Bye~ My love"

He said it like a Pro man whore, even came closer to Nisha, as close as his mouth only half an inch to her ear.

So what did a not so normal girl will do in situations like that? she shoved him away from her, like real push. Mickey almost even loses his balance, he's just so lucky that his puppy is there, yeah, that guy who always in black suit, the hot bodyguard, as what everyone says. But Mickey is such a high-spirited monster that after he put himself together, he looked at Nisha's way again and flashed that 'I dare you' smile.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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