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“You won’t let go of my hand right? You have to swear that you won’t~ Please….”



 5:30 AM. That was actually the alarm clock who spoke, not literally but it was a rare gift from her best friend, Winter. Exceptional in the sense that it has Winter’s voice, shouting like Nees’s clandestine sort of--- hell, and that no matter how much she wanted to throw it off her window, she scarcely --- can’t. It’s Winter, she has that scary part on her.

 Winter Rayne Leyran, the bestfriend ever since Neesiah can't remember. Yeah, that long that they’re the so called Inseparable-Blood-compact duo, Even though they don't share the same interests and all.  Winter is from a large number of family members, opposite to Neesiah's. Winter is the easy going girl growing up, that kind where you can mix with any social circle and will easily cope and of course, the best listener and secret keeper ever.

  Going back on the dream guy, Nees was 5 when she began dreaming of that baffling guy, the same night her father died and from that time then too, nightmares became a normal thing for her already and thank goodness to that faceless boy who would always and always come to save the day that maybe if he wasn’t able to show up, Neesiah was probably dead now.

Oh well, it was only a premise of her own that Winter was so against. Just like that morning, ever day, Winter would pick Neesiah up on her house and they’ll will walk together to school, which was the ever popular university in town and well the ‘Only’ school actually, Hurst University .

“Again??? seriously?!  It’s weird, it’s been like weeks in a row now, right?"

 Neesiah haven't notice that, it's been the 38th times already, like clockwork. However the dream gets hazier and hazier and if back then, it was always a guy extending his hand to her, on the last few one that she got, it's now a kid-- a boy who somehow rang a bell to Neesiah, as if he saw him a way way back and she just don’t remember. She even tried to dig some of her childhood memories but there's really none of that boy.

 "Is it still that ravishing, savior, prince charming of yours?!  That according to you, you never once met? as in here and not to your own Disney Land—are you sure??!! Because maybe he is that cute guy on our favorite coffee shop downtown. I mean, he kinda likes you and…”

“He doesn’t like me, he just likes the idea that I’m his tutor and I’m helping him out to everything”

 “Why do you always do that? Give yourself a credit, for once!”

 “Okay, Winter, back to what you’re saying…”

 Nees just don’t like that kind of topic.

 “yeah, that--- that maybe you badly need to make an appointment to Holden Thompson, you know that super young and handsome psych in town”

 "THANK YOU WINTER, REALLY!  You’re suggestions slash cute-guy-connections is so helpful"

 Sarcasm is good at times.

 “Winter, I already made a promise, c'mon. I won't screw it up again, I swear!"

 "Okay. I just want to be clear. can you just pause from dreaming of that guy or something. you know, just continue it once everything is fine"

 Neesiah knew that Winter is just concern about her, that in that time that Nees and her mom were on this great struggle, preferably on their financial status, there’s really no place to screw it all up.

 Strictly 'NO SECRET' policy, that’s what she promised to Winter but there's that one thing she was keeping from her.

 She can never lose those dreams  because that is that the one thing that is keeping her up alive, that maybe what her mom says is true that it’s something that her dad left to her, like a perfect memory to wash away whatever mess she’s going to have.

        "Anyway, remember Michaele Finneach Parker???"

   They’re already halfway unto Hurst and the streets are starting to get crowded with students too, Neesiah was reading something on her organizer, it’s a bad day for her when she misses a thing to do.

   “OH GOSH, WINTER! Can you please take a breather for this day?! I mean every freakin first day of school year since 4th grade, that was your forever subject matter,  right on this spot!!!”  Nees even stopped from walking and stomped her feet on the spot she was talking about, in front of this huge pine tree that have became so memorable for her already, in the not-so-good way because of that Michaele Finneacht Parker.

 “NO! this time it’s REAL!! “ obvious to Winter’s  reactions how exaggeratedly excited she was, if  Neesiah have that prince charming on her pipe-dream , well for Winter, he existed on her reality though they’re both luckless coz they can’t have the guy they’re dreaming of.

  “SERIOUSLY??? You know if there’s a law against on not showing up as you promised, he’ll be sentence to life imprisonment, for sure! Or maybe if I’m the law, death sentence will be so great!”

 It's plain to see how extreme Nees's hate on the guy. How can she not? for 6 years, everyone on their town were relentlessly waiting on something that won't happen.

That exact same day, every year, someone will publicize that he will come but it’s always a 'NO SHOW'


  “And since 4th grade, that’s the same thing that you say, that it’s real. Winter, it’s not. He never show up and what makes you think that it'll be different this year? WINTER< C’MON!”

 First day of school year frustration should be on academic difficulties, terror teacher and all those but but it always ends up to that Mickey instead which is totally not normal already.

 It’s getting“What if I bounced back that question to you, then?!?”

       Yes of course since 4th grade too, Winter always had that power of throwing back everything to Neesiah.

   “At least the dream guy is not a renowned wrench in the whole wide world like that Mickey!!!!” Neesiah fired back. Ever since then, she hasn’t been comfortable of talking about that particular guy, for her it’s a complete misuse of ti

    “Well at least.. he is REAL!!!

Okay. That was way under the belt. OKAY. Ouch to Nees.

When Winter throws that kind of statement, automatically Nees would just shut her mouth and be done with it.


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