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  “Hi Nees ~”

      Another school year, but not a thing change. That was a morning greeting from Julien Dubois, the most popular guy in school---- on the alternate world, I mean… in the world of books, anti-social, bespectacled, straight-A grades and all that nerdy-geeky stuffs. He’s half french actually and a very good friend of Neesiah.

                 In view of the fact that in the real world, there’s this group of guys and girls who are popular because of the shallowest reason ever! --- Beauty, riches and connections.


 Lame that even in that small town where everyone knew each others ‘Tree of life. Yeah like she or he is the great grandchild of that certain man, that kind of stupid categorization still do exist.

 The Queen bee (-tch) , Diamond Hurst. The granddaughter of the possessor of the university-- fat cat, trend setter, perched, classy and with an itty bit of brain. She knows nothing aside from flirting, night out, shopping, absolutely everything without mind works and of course her clones, Harper Domingo and Tate Reese, who exactly resembles Dia in every little bitchy way.

  As with the guys, as expected-- popular one’s are meant to be together, Jaeduke Roi, Tate’s boyfriend, Team Captain of Hurst’s basketball varsity and Brayden Choi, not officially Harper’s guy but as gossips do, they said they are a thing, you know popular good looking guys thing--- friends with benefits kind of. Brayden is the semi smart but semi rude pretty boy, who once *once, as in several years ago* been tied to a popular name, Leilah Myth Cruz. Leith as everyone calls her, actually she’s Winter’s cousin. Leith is that girl who anyone would be so envious of--- pretty, smart, thoughtful and definitely the most nonchalant girl in School and her history with Brayden? It was a HUGE something; Leith broke his heart, yeah not so big thing right? And honestly, that is never the usual with how Brayden’s history in girls work out. Jaeduke Roi as everyone calls ‘Jae-Jae’, he’s one helluva pretender and Winter Rayne Leyran was the only one who knew every detail of his secrets, why? Theres a story. As with Dia, she will no longer be unattached because her said ‘boyfriend’ will already be staying in town for good, AGAIN.

 But going back to the story, Julien was the guy who pursue Nees since grade school but sorry to say, Neesiah haven’t grown any special feelings for him, no matter how much she tried. Sure, Julien was a true nice guy--- the type na usually, a kind of girl like Nees should fall for but it just won’t work that way.

  “OMIGOSH!! Finally~ he’s coming!!!!” few steps more through the school entrance and all but every students were all stood still outside the school gate, where a large streamers for Michaele Finneacht Parker was hanging, All and sundry were very much keyed up with his coming to Hurst. To girls--- of course, actor/singer superstar, gorgeous boy that you can really weigh against to those fine-looking, hot-bod models of Abercrombie and Fitch and maybe can even beat the most striking one, that really any girl, *like from 1 year old to 100 of girls in age* would swoon over him.

To guys, someone to look up to-- sort of a paradigm when it comes to fashion, his success in life at an early age and yes, how suave Mickey Parker handles girls. 

 As one and all were so astonished, looking up on the humungous face of that well-known guy, Neesiah dashed directly in the school building, that she was really the only human on that moment *or like ever* who doesn’t give a damn, she went straight to the library, where she works for an extra allowance then after school, to Haven’s Diner as a server and on weekends, to this flower shop.

  Neesiah Dane Mortino is probably the hardest working girl in town, the reason why elders were so bowled over on her. Oh well, she can’t depend on no one cause it’s just always been her and her mom ever since. Her mom also works but it wasn’t enough for both of them. Her father did left some money but that was 10 years ago, almost consumed.

  In Hurst, Neesiah is one of those few students who everyone looks up to, She’s very diligent, will do anything even if most of the time it was a struggle for her to be at least have a place on one of the top 10 spot in their class and she’s also a very active member in three school clubs she was into.

But of course, you can never please everyone, just like Diamond Hurst.

     “Hi~ diner girl --- how was your soooo poor summer vacation?!? I bet you’re everywhere in town, begging for money”

 Yes, that was her~ Dia. She always had her own ways to insult Neesiah, anytime, anywhere, Just like that morning, she really  meant to pass by on the library just to do that mocking.

Only the good thing about it, that no matter how much offense she get from Diamond, the last glory were always with Nees because with just a meaningful stare or scorn smile from her, Dia will sure be pissed, that there came a time when Diamond did perhaps run to her rich parents and weep and worse, ask them to kick Nees out the school, only they can’t just do that.

Totally NO people everywhere, it’s been like that  in the past 6 years, everyone were gathered in the school hall to wait for Michaele Finneacht Parker to show up, it maybe foul and extreme but for Neesiah, it was in fact ,pointless and was like a devotion for someone not deserving to be admired like that. It was too much they all look like  fool and worst is, Winter were one of them, that no matter how eagerly she wanted to go against her bestfriend, She can’t because they promised to support each other in every way, no matter how they hated each other’s doing.

  For the nth time, she was all alone on the library, on the first day of school and have been normal occurrence for her, that maybe it was something she would surely miss about when all the every-effin-year-waiting-for-the-jerk is finally gone.


 He is here.

 Screw it!

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