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Walking home with Winter that day have been the strangest ever.


 Because she won’t shut up about Micky, It wasn’t a new thing I know, still it’s weird.

Well now, it is!

 “And then he kinda mentions a girl~ everyone gets so anxious and probing  cause Micky says ‘A girl he met on the school library’ and he even describes her as this ‘interesting but vicious girl’ and the more attention-grabbing part was that she kinda became the reason why he chose to stay in town and gosh! Finally! Hurst!!!”

 I tried so hard not to listen to Winter’s rant but I can’t help it, How dare he talk about me in all those people!  and vicious???!!!

 ‘how can I be so sure that it was really me, I mean, who knows with how feebly he treats girls *as I saw on the celebrity news flash* it’s not that impossible, that maybe he met a bunch of girls in the library. Oh well~ he didn’t say that only within the library, maybe there’s girls hanging out outside.

 “And you actually believe him??!! With how, for 6 years he made you wait like a complete idiot in that stupid auditorium, see? Now I hate that auditorium because of him!”

 That guy is like an anger stimulant, really.

 I don’t know what is up with me, why can’t I just tell it to Winter that I met that guy a while ago.  Guess, that day really just sucks, BIG TIME and to make it more sucker, while I was speaking, Winter is staring at me, yeah like science case analysis that she’s trying to solve the big mystery and she often do that, most on those times that she felt like I am hiding something from her.

 “OH. MY. GOSH! Don’t tell me you’re that girl, because really I’ll pull all your hair til you get so bald and ugly!!!!”

 It’s threatening but it’s a joke,I know that. That’s just sweet Winter is to me.

 But Even before I defend myself, my phone rang.

 ///I look in to your eyes so far away. There’s trouble on your mind, you’re losing faith///

 Unknown number so automatically, I won’t answer it.

 “You won’t answer it?”

Winter ask, no matter how apparent it was. I won’t because the phone is already in my pocket again, still ringing.

I just shook my head and I was about to open my mouth to talk when Winter fished out the phone out of my pocket. She’s that annoyingly nosy.

 Or maybe my theory is right, she really have this super power called, Extasensory Perception which maybe passed down to her by her Alien ancestor.

 “Who’s this?”

 But maybe it’s only just a small word came from whoever was calling, Winter’s face got all pale and her jaw really dropped.

 S**t! Is it him?

 “Micky? As in Michaele Finneacht Parker?? Seriously???”

 Okay, Winter just shouted that out loud, It’s not that appalling for people around to see Winter speaking that loud because they knew that’s how she really was, but WHY THAT NAME?

That name was like a bomb trigger on our town or maybe in other many towns out there. Heck.

 Fine, Winter is just SHOCK.

 Shock as in she was smiling like a lunatic as she handed out the phone to me, she was even hopping like a crazy kid on a horror movie that I once saw.

 “I told you to DELETE MY NUMBER ON YOUR PHONE, can’t you unders----“

 Winter did the expected; she grabbed my phone and said the expected, too.

 “You can have my number, I am always  with Neesiah, we’re inseparable! So if ever you call, I can just give it out to her”

 “Seriously, Winter?? I’m your best friend! And what makes you think that I’m going to talk to that jerk?”

 I seize the phone from her again

 “What do you want Parker?”


 Wow, certified first class jackass!

I did an exasperating and long sigh, imagine it’s only been a few hours, what more to a one excruciating year?

 “Please. I beg you. STOP THIS!”

 “Oooh. I love girls who begs”



 Ha! never once I imagine that he have a side like that.

 “Okay? As in?”



 “Okay. I’ll call again later”

 Gawd. I wish him dead!

I pushed the end button and face my own death, which is Winter.


 Thank goodness, I was already in front of my house.


 That night

 I was trying to get back on doing my homework, It’s been hours already and I’m still here in my room,

Story-telling to Winter, yeah more like telling my worst nightmare and it’s still wasn’t enough for her.

 “Winter, If I didn’t finish this homework for my pass in tutoring program, you know they will kick me out of the scholarship program, you know that!”

 I need to be part of tutoring that year, sort of like my pre-final exam for my scholarship for that year

 "I know, it’s just that~ you have to introduce me to Micky. Gosh, I stll can’t believe it, my bestfriend is…”

 “Stop it, I don’t have anything to do with that guy. I didn’t even have a clue why he’s doing that”

 “Maybe, he likes you”


 “You know, that’s how man-whores do their thing. THEY WERE ALL LIKE THAT TO GIRLS”

 “Judgmental much? You know maybe he’s into these personal situation that we have no knowledge of”

 When you’re a ‘FANGIRL’, you can’t see any flaw to that one you’re idolizing and if there is, then you’ll create an excuse for him.

 “Whatever. Think whatever you want but I’m not involving myself with that guy, gawd! It’ll be the last thing I wanna do before I die, seriously”

 And then my phone rang again.

 Do I have to look who is it?


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