Antoine Griezmann

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Song for this chapter:)
Skinny Love by-Bon Iver

You rested your head tiredly on your fiancé's chest, he was playing FIFA online with his teammates on the Xbox. Lately you were both a bit tired. Antoine from practice and yourself from all the wedding planning. You were slowly drifting to sleep, when you felt his hand press to your forehead.
"You okay doll?"
"What's up baby?"
"I'm tired.."
"Of planning?"
"Too many dresses to choose from?"
Ant- paused the game and adjusted you so you were comfortably sitting on his lap.
He slipped a blanket over you both and he pressed a kiss to your forehead:
"Be honest, what's wrong?"
He raised an eyebrow and sighed: "Tell me.."
"No, it will freak you out..."
"I've heard a lot of weird things from you baby.
I'm sure I can handle it."
"Are you sure you want to marry me?"
"What do you mean? Are you doubting my love for you?"
"No. Of course not, I'm just wondering if you're having any doubts.."
Antoine sighed and slipped two soft fingers onto your chin. Elevating your face, so you stared into his eyes.
"Mon amant ridicule, Je vous ai dit un million, les temps que je aime you.You're demande toujours si je le fais. Lorsque, en réalité, vous devriez vous demander si vous pourriez peut-être me aimera jamais le même chemin Je te aime."
(My silly lover, I've told you a million, times that I love you.You're always wondering if I do. When in reality you should be wondering if you could possibly ever love me back the same way I love you...)
You pulled away and turned so you straddled his waist.
"I'm sorry, I sound ridiculous."
"Don't be. I understand, you're a little scared...I know all the stories you have heard about wags marrying their significant others and everything in their relationship becoming horrible."
"I don't want to lose the Griezmann I know baby. Not to a piece of paper."
Antoine gently cupped your face with both hands and pressed a kiss to your nose.
"Trust me. I'm yours, forever.."
You slipped your fingers through his hair and pulled him in for a hug.. His nose pressed to your collar as you pecked a kiss onto his head. He pressed his lips to your neck and whispered:
"I love you more than life itself and I want you to accept that you are the beautiful human-being I fell madly in love with.."
"I Love you Antoine..I really do."
"I know sweetheart, I know you're going to be an amazing wife.
Just know that I feel so proud to be your future-husband."
You felt his lips press over and over against your neck.
He carefully leaned you back a little, placing both hands on securely on your back. You felt him sprinkle soft kisses onto your neck.
You giggled and he pulled away. "There's my favorite laugh, I've been waiting to hear that for a while."

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