Chapter 3: Language Arts

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Sebastian's POV:

Ciel looked near to tears as he wrote the narrative on his paper, he had already written two pages in half an hour.

I glanced at him and furrowed my brows as a saw a single tear slip from his blue eyes, he closed his notebook and hid his face in his arms, he put his head down.

I don't know what he was upset about. Wait. Those features, those eyes, I've seen them before somewhere. Who is this kid exactly?

I sighed and closed my notebook, I leaned down a little, "Ciel..." I started, he didn't lift his head but he gave me a muffled 'what'.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice showing concern.

Ciel's POV:

I put my head down in my arms, trying my best not to cry from what was coming back to mind. I heard Sebastian close his notebook and felt him close to me.

"Ciel..." I heard him say softly.

I didn't lift my head because I didn't want him to see me upset, I said "what." though in response, muffled.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, I heard concern in his voice and slowly looked up at him.

"It's nothing..." I adverted my gaze from him and buried my face in my arms again.

I felt his hands around me as he pulled me into a hug, his touch was gentle and it calmed me almost immediately. I leaned into his touch and hugged back, my head touched his chest and I softly whimpered once.

Suddenly, the bell rang and I jumped from the loud noise. I got up and grabbed my stuff, putting my backpack over one shoulder.

Sebastian got up and grabbed his bag as well, then looked at me, "Would you like to walk together? I saw you walking here earlier, I think you're my new neighbor."

I looked at him, "Sure." I said simply and walked out with him.

I need to figure all of this out, before something bad happens to either me or him....

As I walked beside Sebastian, my gaze went to the ground in a habit I seem to have.

Why am I so flustered around him? It's not like I'm really I?

Dreamer's Choice (AU Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now