Chapter 9: French? And Airports!

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Ciel's POV:

He smiled at me and leaned down, slowly pressing his lips against mine.

My eyes widened before I kissed back.

This was my first kiss, my first real one at least.

Sebastian gently pulled me closer and very slowly deepened the kiss, I moved closer and kissed him just as deep.

I pulled away and smiled, biting my lip. "You speak French?"

"Je tremper." He replied then leant down and whispered in my ear, "I love you too, Ciel."

Shivers ran down my spine at his voice I hugged him and he hugged back.

"Don't leave me....please..." I mumbled.

"I won't. I have to pick up my dad from the airport soon, you can come if you want."

I nodded and nuzzled his chest.

Soon we left to the airport in Sebastian's car, it was a '67 Impala, a classic car in my opinion. I looked out the window while he drove.

"What's your dad like?" I broke the silence that was besides the radio on.

"He's...a bit uptight at times and doesn't let things go as easy, but he's nice." He kept his eyes on the road.

"What will you tell him about me...?"

"Depends, would you like me to tell him you're my friend or boyfriend?"


"Then I'll figure it out later."

He drove to the parking garage and checked the time, the weather was clear for now, he parked in a spot and turned the car off, getting out and walking around to me when I got out, we headed to the elevators and went to the main terminal where the flight gates were.

I hadn't been here before so I sighed softly and followed Sebastian through the airport.

Someone ran past us and hit my shoulder, I gasped lightly and lost my balance, Sebastian quickly caught me and I fell into his chest. I held my shoulder in one hand and looked up at him.


"Don't be sorry, he shouldn't have ran past us like that..." Sebastian kissed me and I kissed back.

We continued to the proper gate and took a seat beside each other, I laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I yawned softly and leaned into his touch, he smiled and kissed my head.

I smiled at him and looked over the at the status board and squinted a little to see it.

The flight should be here any minute, Sebastian was looking out the windows. I nuzzled his neck softly and closed my eyes for a bit.

After what felt about ten minutes, Sebastian moved and I opened my eyes.

"They're starting to arrive, come on..." Sebastian helped me up and lead me to somewhere out of the way but where he could see if his dad came.

I soon noticed a man taller then Sebastian, with short black hair and piercing silver blue eyes, Sebastian saw him and smiled.

Images flashed through my mind suddenly.

I was chained to a wall, my dress shirt unbuttoned. A whip hit me across the chest. I made a soft yelp that sounded like a cat. The man hurting me chuckled in amusement and kept going until it slightly started to bleed.

Suddenly, I wasn't in my body I was watching the scene unfold for a split second I saw dark red blood from the side of my mouth and on my chest slowly leaking out.

Then, I was back in my body but it was blurry as another crack of the whip hit across my chest. It felt like I couldn't fall asleep.

The man stopped and picked up a barbed club as I struggled against the chains my wrists started to bleed...

I could've swore that was this man approaching from the plane now.

My balance almost failed and Sebastian set a hand on my back keeping me steady.

"Are you okay?"

"Sorry...I got dizzy...I'm fine." I replied.


The man walked to us and had a bag over his shoulder, that was his dad. No doubt.

And that was the 'Lucifer' in my dream.

Sebastian hugged him, "Welcome back dad."

"Good to be back here, who's this?" He gestured to me.

"This is Ciel, he slept over and mom couldn't come pick you up so we did."

"Uh...h-hello sir." I looked at him when I spoke and shook his hand.

"I'm Nick, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine." I simply replied.

We headed out and were about to walk outside, Sebastian had to park on the roof level unfortunately due to how busy it was.

I followed Sebastian out from the elevator and noticed the dark clouds,

I started to walk to the car with Sebastian, a sudden crack of thunder boomed making me jump.

Sebastian noticed and put his arm around me, walking with me to the car.

We all got in and I got in the back behind Sebastian's seat in the drivers' spot.

Sebastian started driving after we all buckled up.

"So, Ciel I've never heard of you before. Are you new around here?" Nick asked.

"Yes, my parents and I had to move here from London just a few days ago. My aunt helped us get moved in. I live across the street from you guys..."

"Welcome to the neighborhood then, it's a nice little community."

"So I've heard."

I don't trust Nick....I just cant...not after my feels real.

Dreamer's Choice (AU Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now