Chapter 1

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It all happened to fast and sudden. I was waiting to pick up Kai after he had finished wrapping up his music video shoot with the other guys. I pulled my car seat so it was at a more comfortable angle for me to nap while I wait for him. There was a banging on my car that woke me up and I pulled my chair back up to allow me to see more. Thinking it was Kai, I opened up my door to open the trunk for him to put his bag in but I was knocked to the ground. A wild woman had jumped on me and her eyes were blood shot, with messy hair and her shirt had blood all over it. She had pinned me to the floor was about to head in to bite me but I kicked her off me before quickly rolling back into my car and locked myself in. She continued to bang on my window repeatedly before her attention was caught by a passerby and chased him down the street.

Moments later, Kai had emerged from the SM building and said bye to the other guys before he walked to my car.

"Min-hee you okay?" he asked as he got in.

"No..yes..maybe...We should get home now," I breathlessly panted as I attempted to insert my key into the ignition.

"Here we can swap seats. You look too distressed to even drive," he offered.

"No...I can drive. You're probably tired and worn out after recording all day," I declined before finally inserting my key in and started the engine.

We drove back home in silence and Kai wanted to ask me if I was ok but my expression warded him away from the topic so he began to doze off. My heart was still pounding from what had happened earlier and I didn't understand why I was so shaken up by it. She looked like she came straight from a horror movie but there was something about her that didn't make her look human. Maybe I've been playing too many games but she looked like was one with the dead, like a zombie.

As I sped through the roads, I could see a figure walking towards our direction in the far distance. The figure was dragging its body and moving very sluggishly towards us, as if it wanted me to run them over. I slowed the car down as we drew closer to the figure and as we came to a stop, allowing me to see their face more clearly. The person looked exactly like the woman before and its eyes lit up as it saw Kai and I inside the car and jumped onto the windscreen. It threw itself onto my car and began to madly bash our window and growling viciously.

"Kai..KAI WAKE UP! It's happening again! WHAT DO I DO?!" I shook him to wake him up.

He woke up as I furiously shook him.

"Go!" he yelled at me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN GO??" I yelled back.

He leaned over and pushed on my foot on the accelerator and I quickly grasped onto the steering wheel but the man continued to thrash about until he eventually rolled onto the roof of the car and fell off.

"What the hell was that?" Kai screamed.

"I-I don't know...I was waiting for you earlier before and I got out my car and one jumped on me and I was so scared," I began to cry.

"Shh it's ok...Maybe it's just some crazy people pulling pranks or something. It'll probably clear up by tomorrow," Kai comforted.

We arrived home at around 12 am and we silently closed the garage door before going inside, not wanting to wake up mother and father but to our surprise they were still awake.

"Mother, father why aren't you sleeping? It's really late," I told them.

"Yah sweetie haven't you heard the news? This fungal virus has infected a few people and they've been roaming around the city infecting more and more people. The government has advised everyone to pack things to get ready to leave the city and grab supplies before time runs out," mother warned us.

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