Chapter 8

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"Can I cut up the potatoes?" he asked.

"I think that's a bit advanced for you to do that. How about you peel the carrots? Here hold this firmly and drag it downwards away from you," I handed him the carrot,"Look at that you're really good at this. Now be careful and don't go too fast. Watch what you're doing."

While he was peeling the carrots, I cut up the potatoes in chunks and waited for the water to boil before adding them in with the other ingredients. He finished up peeling the carrots and excused himself to have a break while I finished up with the rest of the preparations. Once the stew had boiled, I set it to simmer and went to go find Tae Sung upstairs.

I checked in my room but no sign of him was in there so I peered into Kai's room. He was lying on his belly playing with the toy cars Kai had still kept since he was a kid. I was about to step into the room but I suddenly felt uneasy. Throughout the past few days, I felt really tired and experienced lots of stomach pains every now and then. Today was a bit worse than the other days though. The pain was shooting in and out of my stomach, giving me an urge to puke. I staggered my way to the bathroom and hung my head over the toilet bowl. My head was pounding as I puked. After a while I cleaned myself up and crawled to my room and wrapped myself in my blankets and felt my eyes go heavy.

"Noona! Noona! Wake up! I smell burning!" Tae Sung shook me.

My batted my eyes to try and wake me up but Tae Sung pulled me to the ground and attempted to drag me towards the door.

"Alright alright, I'm up calm down," I stood up and raced down the stairs.

We got downstairs and the pot was bubbling wildly and smoke was coming from it too. I turned off the gas to allow it to cool down. The stew wasn't burnt just yet but it tasted a bit off but that was okay.

"You should've woken me up a bit sooner but thank goodness you got me up," I smiled at him.

"Well dad came by earlier and he finished up making the side dishes you were going to cook but he left to go back to the clinic just a while ago. I forgot to keep an eye on the pot like he told me to..." he explained.

Great, he just comes into my house like it's his. I don't understand why he doesn't live in his own house. The guy is loaded with so much money he can basically use cash as tissues, so I don't understand why he lives in my home. I packed the food up in little containers and put them in a bag and we carried it out to the clinic. I made extra servings for the staff at the clinic just in case they were too busy to duck out and grab something to eat. Taesung held onto his little bag and was hugging the container with tea inside.

"We brought you guys lunch!" I said as we walked in.

The staff put down their things and began to rush towards me. I guess they were hungry. We cleared up some space and sat down, whilst I brought out all the food. I let them sort themselves out and enjoy the food whilst I brought Kai's food to his bed.

"Made your favourite stew," I smiled at him.

His eyes lit up at the smell of the stew that wafted around when I opened the container. I helped him up and blew on his spoonful of the stew to cool it down before I fed it to him. After he finished up his meal, I gave him the medicine the place prescribed to him.

I went to pack up the containers where all the staff came from but they were all neatly put back into the bags.

"I packed them up for you. God I miss your cooking," Suho placed his hands on the bag.

"Yeah well I didn't want that to be for you. It was meant for the staff," I looked at him.

"Technically I'm part of the volunteer staff," he smiled back at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed onto the bag to head out but he held down on the bag.

"Min-hee...Please stay. Not for out sakes, but for the sake of Tae and also everyone who missed you here," he said.

I sighed and removed his hand off mine and grabbed the bag. I barely made it to the clinic's door before something clung onto my leg. Looking down, I see Tae Sung clinging onto it.

"Sweetie...I need to go home. Where's your mum and dad?" I tried to shake him off.

"Mummy said I can go play somewhere else because she doesn't think this place is where I should be. But I like working here with mummy. It makes me want to be a doctor," he said.

"You should stay here then if that's what you want to do...I need to go and do my adult stuff," I insisted.

"But noona I'm tired and I want to have a nap," he begged and hugged my leg tight.

I bit my lip as I considered if I should take him home with me. I really don't like kids being like this but I can't leave him here with sick people that could damage his health and I sure as hell wasn't going to leave him here with his weird mother that could abandon him.

"Fine you can come with me, come on I'll carry you," I smiled and crouched down to pick him up.

"So how long have you been living here?" I asked him as I swung him around on my back.

"I think for a while. I don't remember much because I must've been quite young," he replied,"Daddy told me you used to live here too, why did you leave?"

"Well it's a very long story Tae Sung...But you know how there are zombies outside the walls of the city?" I sighed.

I felt him give me a weary nod.

"It started a while ago when I was waiting for Uncle Kai to finish up his day at work..."

By the time we reached home, Tae Sung had already fallen asleep. I carried him up to Kai's room and gently placed him onto the bed, before tucking him. As Tae Sung was sleeping, I decided it was a good time for me to have some alone time. I grabbed my coat and headed down to the park again just to have some time to think to myself. I could feel the colder months to roll in because of the constant the last few days. Grey clouds seemed to always occupy the sky, bringing rain and flashing nights that shake my bones whenever they decide to thunder. Today was different, the sky weren't so dark, but was more clear. White fluffy clouds drifted around, making me anticipate for the first snow.

Ho ho ho nice I'm writing more often now bc no school. I'm thinking of starting to pick up Hannah's story. It's actually nearing to the 1 year mark since I've started the story and that story is still based around Christmas time so cuteee. I think I like the general plot of where this fic is gonna gom I've written at least 3 more chapters in my drafts so I am on the ball ready to just queue these updates. Um sorry if you want more Suho and Min-Hee interactions, she'll overcome her emotional mushy side soon and things will get interestingggggg.

Also thoughts on EXO's new Christmas Comeback song, Sing For You. Personally made me emo af haha.

Ya anyways leave a comment and vote :)

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